Part 5

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- Madison’s point of view -

As I walked out of the school, I saw an oddly familiar car parked a few feet away from the entrance. I stared it down a few minutes trying to figure out where I had seen it previously before it hit me: Austin.

I couldn’t seem him though as to he wasn’t inside the car, it was empty. I furrowed thinking that maybe I was imagining myself things but I knew that it was his, it had to be.

Looking around, I tried to find any sign of him but miserably failed as to only people from school were surrounding me. I sigh hating myself for even thinking for one second that he would’ve actually came, he didn’t have time to waste.

My feet began taking me to the complete opposite side of the school only to gradually make my way closer and closer out of the parking lot but soon enough, I was stopped mid track by a pair of unfamiliar arms wrapped around my torso. I didn’t recognize the feel but I surely recognize the smell in a matter of seconds, there was no doubting who was at my back.

"Where do you think you’re going?" He playfully asked making a cheesy smile appear onto my face.


I felt him bring his head into the crock of my neck for second or so only to pull it back, his lips now brushing against my ear "I’ll take you." And with that he let go of me, my whole body turning around to face him.

He smiled so wide that it only made me do the same because he looked happy. I loved being around him because he always made my mood change, he had the ability to do it.

Taking hold of my hand, he pulled me over to the car I was previously staring out just to make my way into the passenger seat, him getting into the drivers.

"I wasn’t sure where you were going to get out so I tried finding you but that was a bad idea," He chuckled "There were too many people."

"No shit Sherlock, it’s a high school."

"Shut up. I know."

Shaking my head, I leaned back into the seat and buckled myself up as he revved up the car slowly backing out of the drive way careful not to hit anyone. The sun was beginning to set just making it all that harder to see out the window but of course, I brushed it off.

"Thanks for picking me up." I said remembering that I hadn’t thanked him yet.

"Anything for you."

"Stop saying that."

"Why?" Austin had an amused look on his face "You can’t handle the truth?"

"It’s not that." I sighed.

"Then what is it?"

"I don’t know I guess—I guess I’m just not used to it."

Tapping his fingers onto the steering wheel, he took a right turn "Well I suggest you get used to it because I’m not about to stop." He shrugged.

Rolling my eyes, I shifted my eyes outside as I took in the view. I looked at countless people on my way over and I couldn’t help but notice how happy they all seemed, as if their lives were perfect. I, on the other hand, just couldn’t seem to be happy; I would try so hard yet it never worked. It frustrated me to an extent that no one could understand and all I knew now was that it was part of me now, I was used to feeling this way.

When the car finally came to a stop, it wasn’t in front of my house but in front of Austin’s.

"Why are we here?" I quietly asked.

"I want to show you something." Knitting my eyebrows together, I wondered what that something could possibly be.

First, he picks me up and then, he wants to show me something—unusual, I thought.

Following his lead, we made our way up to his house before entering his kitchen getting something to drink before going all the way to his bedroom.

I climbed each and every step with cautious not wanting to make too much noise just in case his mom was home, I didn’t want to bother her. Once Austin opened the door to his bedroom, he made me take a seat on his bed as he started rummaging through his closet obviously looking for something.

I sat there for what seem to be the hundredth time already, I was here too often. I wondered where I would be right now if Austin hadn’t come to me that night on my steps. It had already been a month and that was literally the best month I had had in forever, literally.

"Okay I got it." He said sticking his head out of his closet. I brought my eyes to his hands seeing that he had a picture frame held within them.

Slowly, he sat next to me along with the cold metal frame as I wondered what this was all about.

"I felt like I needed to tell you," He muttered underneath his breath. Holding up the picture to me, my eyes laid upon it seeing a portrait of what seemed to be Austin and his dad, or so I thought. "That was a long time ago," He stated "And that’s the only picture I have."

I suddenly felt a rush of heat pass through my body as I slowly put the pieces together understanding where this was going "What do you mean?" I asked trying to get clarification even though I was pretty sure of what I was witnessing.

"He passed away when I was young. I have a vague memory of him but my mom’s always told me that he was a nice guy, she says that I’m exactly like him."

I took the frame between my hands admiring the picture from a whole different perspective; it was precious to him. "Why are you showing me this?"

"I figured that you would eventually question his whereabouts and this was the best way to tell you about it."

"But you didn’t have to, Austin." I rested my hand onto his leg. He simply took the picture back and stared at it for a few seconds, a million thoughts probably going through his head.

"It’s no big deal." And before I knew it, he had gotten up and put it back into his closet where it was hidden from our eyes.

Austin came sitting back to my side where he just stayed there in silence, thinking as I was doing the exact same. I didn’t really know how I felt about him telling me this, it was unexpected. I was happy that he opened up to me because that obviously implied that he trusted me but still, I didn’t feel good enough to be told such a thing. I felt low.

Getting up, I picked up my phone and decided that I would just get back home considering I didn’t want to bother him. The vibe had suddenly changed and I felt this awkward tension even though I’m the one who was probably imagining it.

"Where are you going?" He shot his head up looking straight at me.

"I don’t know, home."

Austin then got up and made his way closer to me, his eyes boring into mine. As much as I wanted to look away, I couldn’t. He had me captivated.

"I’ll see ya around?" He said, but it came out more as a question than anything else.

"Yeah" And before I knew it, his arms were wrapped around me engulfing me in a tight hug. I closed my eyes enjoying the sensation he gave me because I felt safe, nothing less than safe.

Pulling back, I turned onto my heels and went out the door right out of his house just to reach my own in a matter of minutes. I opened the door and soon enough, there was my mom watching television. I greeted her and left straight after to my room climbing what seemed to be never ending steps.

Looking over to my bed, I smiled at how comfortable it looked but I couldn’t sleep, I had to go to Sarah’s tonight. I knew that if I wasn’t to go, she would definitely be upset with me but to be honest, I couldn’t care less. So taking it upon myself, I scattered my body on top of the sheets and literally within seconds, I was gone. 

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