Part 11

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- Madison's point of view -

Today was Friday and I was sitting in Math class trying not to fall asleep. I had no idea on how I was going to last through Sarah's get together tonight because I was just so damn exhausted, most of it due to the fact that I hung out every day of the week after school and came home kind of late letting me no time to rest.

Monday Emma and Austin came over, Tuesday and Wednesday I went to Austin's and Thursday Robert came over along with Emma that just happened to drop by.

Austin and I had been texting each other every day since and it seemed that I couldn't keep the smile away from my face. He would text me and automatically, I would feel my face lit up. My friends tried questioning me about it a few times but I would just invent some sort of believable excuse that most likely worked. They didn't need to know.

When I was around him, he made me feel happy. Now don't get me wrong, I don't like him or anything it's just that it feels good to be with someone else, someone who doesn't judge or care about what you do. I had somewhere to go to relieve my stress and when I saw him, that's exactly what came to mind. He was my problem solver.

His touch made me feel good. His kisses along my neck made my stomach do flips. When we would kiss I felt passion and lust. When he would undress me I would suddenly feel my body tremble with excitement. When his hands would wander all across my needy skin I would get those familiar goose bumps from head to toe but it's when he would come inside of me that I would find myself in a state of euphoria where everything around me seemed to just stop except for the boy inches away. There was no way to actually describe how he made me feel because it was all too much, everything compiled together all at the same time was indescribable and that's why I found myself always wanting him, always craving him.

I hadn't seen him since Wednesday and I couldn't stop myself from being excited. When I would see him tonight though, I would have to try my best to pretend as if we didn't know each other, which will be extremely hard.

I knew that resisting the temptation to jump into his arms would kill me but I had to because if not, I could possibly ruin everything.

I wanted to feel his soft lips against mine as his tongue wandered around my mouth. I wanted to feel his fingers press into my skin with pleasure at whatever I was doing to him. I wanted to feel him in general. It had almost been two days since I last saw him and I felt as if I couldn't hold it in anymore, I needed him.

This tedious class was dragging along at a snail's pace while I impatiently waited for the bell to ring. Never in my existing life have I ever craved someone or even something this much. It wasn't like me, not at all. Sure, I liked doing it but not like this, this was all new and I didn't know if I should be content with myself about it or not I mean, is it even healthy to crave someone this much? Probably not.

I snapped right out of my thoughts when I saw a ruffled piece of paper fall onto my desk.

Probably a note from someone, I thought.

Taking it in my hands, I started reading it.

You're still coming tonight, right?

It read. I looked over my shoulder just to see Sarah awaiting an answer from me. I nodded my head while she shot me an ear to ear smile that made me chuckle.

Her get together hadn't gone so well as to a lot of people couldn't go so I was guessing that she was really happy that I could, at least.

I knew that Emma, Jackie, Cameron, Robert, Alex, Austin and of course myself could go but for the rest, I didn't know. But anyway, by the amount of people we were, I knew that it wouldn't be boring... it never was. Sarah knew how to keep people entertained and her house was always the house so I didn't think anything more of it.

Now for Cameron, he had been alright with me for the rest of the week. We hadn't gotten into any arguments and things were going pretty well. He was all over me as usual and everything was-- normal. Nothing more I could ask for.

When the bell finally rang, which sounded like music to my ears, I scurried out of class and started to make my way home. As every step I took, I felt my body become week. This intense fatigue took over and my eyes started to burn.

Maybe I have time to take a nap, I thought.

It was well worth a try because I was so tired. If I wouldn't sleep, there was no way in hell that I could possibly manage to survive the night. As I earlier mentioned, fatigue always got the best of me.

So as I got into the house, I dropped my bag to the floor and headed directly to my room. Making my way to the bed, I slumped onto it and within seconds, I felt the muscles in my body begin to relax until next thing I knew, I was drifting off to sleep.

* * *

Slowly opening my eyes, I smiled knowing that I had some energy back. But it's when I turned my head to look at the time that I realised that I had been sleeping for quite some time.

It was already eight and I was supposed to be at Sarah's at seven. I cursed underneath my breath while getting up feeling all too annoyed with my own self.

I should've known this was going to happen.

I was super tired so of course I was going to sleep for a while. They were probably worried out of their minds too considering they hadn't heard from me since school and it's then when I leaned over clutching my phone in between my hands.

As soon as the screen lit up, I saw uncountable missed alerts from text massages to phone calls to voice mails, I had it all.

Sighing, I slid it opened and started to read all the missed texts but I soon stopped when one of them caught my eye, it was from Austin.

"Where are you? I thought you were coming..."

At that précised moment, it seemed like that text was the most important thing in the whole world and I needed to answer it, I didn't want him to think that I wasn't coming because I was.

I am coming. I fell asleep after school and just woke up. Don't worry, I'll be there in 10(: 

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