Part 10

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- Madison's point of view -

I took a seat on my computer chair and tried to look anywhere but in their direction. To be quite honest, it was hard. It was hard because I was seeing my best friend being sucked into something that could never work. And on top of that, Austin couldn't have seemed to care less about her but of course she was most likely oblivious to all that considering she was still doing whatever she was doing.

She was sitting so close to him though, she didn't waste any time on making a move that's for sure. I knew she was fast but not this fast, it kind of took me by surprise.

Not feeling like looking at this crap all night long, I figured that if they wouldn't come up with anything to do, then I would.

"I have an idea," I blurted out. They both looked at me awaiting an answer "We could play a game of hide and seek... it's been a while."

Now I knew that it sounded completely childish but I had a pretty big house and we had nothing else better to do so why not, right? If it could get Emma away from him then so be it.

After a few seconds of contemplating, they both agreed to it and Emma started counting to fifty.

Knowing exactly where to go, I started making my way out of my room and into the bathroom. We had a closet there where we would put all the towels in it and I figured that it would be the perfect spot. Even though it seemed easy, I knew that it would take her a while to find me so I gladly opened the door and slid myself into the bit of space left in between the shelves and the door.

Not even ten seconds into it and the door swung right open. A grin plastered upon his face, he made his way inside taking up the rest of the space that was left.

"Austin, we can't both be hiding in the same spot that's not-" And before I could even finish what I was saying, his lips came crashing onto mine.

His hands were on my hips as he pressed against my body with a great amount of force. By the way he was kissing, I could tell he wanted me and that what we had going on before Emma showed up hadn't faded away one bit. Even so, it had probably gotten worst. All I knew is that his message was clear as day.

Slipping his tongue into my mouth, a small moan departed my lips and that's when I knew I couldn't do it.

"We can't do this," I said breaking away "Not when she's here."

Even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was looking at me; I could literally feel his stare. His hands brought themselves up to my waist as he brought his head to my neck, sucking the skin right below my ear.

My head was spinning as all I could think about was kissing him, feeling him, having him. What he was doing felt so good and there was no way I could control myself. I had to get him off of me and it's not like this small cramped closet was allowing it considering we were practically squished together. And if Emma was to find us like this, I would have a lot of explaining to do and that's the last thing I felt like doing.

"Austin" I whispered "Stop."

But he wouldn't. He kept kissing my neck along with moving a little more upwards with every kiss. My hands were on his chest and I wanted to push him away but there was literally no room to push him off of me.

"Seriously Austin, you have to stop." I harshly said hopping this time he would get the message. But obviously, he didn't.

His hands slid beneath my shirt as he squeezed my sides. I let out an unexpected gasp just as he did it and mentally cursed at myself because of his stubborn ways. He really needed to stop because Emma could be coming any minute.

Then, just as I thought it couldn't get any worst, his hands slid downwards until they reached my ass where he rested them on it "I need you" he daringly whispered into my ear before placing his lips over mine. Although I wanted him off, I couldn't manage to do that. He definitely had me wrapped around his finger.

Pressing my lower half to his as his grip around my butt got tighter, he took away the rest of the space that was left between us, if there was any left at all. A rush of heat passed through my body and I found myself now beginning to lose all self control that I had left in me. My knees were weak and there was nothing I could do about it.

Just get him off, I thought.

I turned my head to the side to make our lips break away and before I knew it, my hand was desperately searching for the door knob. I had no other idea of how to make him stop so I did the only thing I could think of and made my way out of the closet leaving him behind.

I was breathing heavily and my heart was literally pounding in my chest. He got my adrenaline pumping that's for sure.

I hated the fact that he had control over me like that. He left me wanting more and there was no way I could deny it. I could definitely tell he had done this type of stuff before because he hit exactly every spot right and knew how to make me feel good. Every slight move he put so much energy into it just to get it right and make me feel the way I did. He had the trick to keep you going even though you didn't want to and that scared the crap out of me because I knew just how much trouble that could get me into.

But something I knew for sure was that he was determined and I liked that, a lot.

"Madie?" I heard making me snap out of my trance. Emma was standing outside the bathroom door looking at me with a confused expression "Aren't you supposed to be hiding? We are playing hide and seek, right?"

I face palmed myself realising that I was standing in the middle of the room, in full view "Yeah uh about that," I started "I got to the bathroom to hide in the closet but when I opened it, I found Austin so that obviously implied that I had to find another hiding spot but I never managed to..."

"Oh. Well you suck." She said adding a laugh at the end. She then walked over to the closet revealing Austin standing there looking completely amused.

"You know uh, this was a bad game. Let's do something else." I said not felling like dealing with Austin on another round of "hide and seek". I was nervous as hell though and my blood was still pumping through my veins from what had just happened a few minutes ago.

Emma was looking at me and I knew that she knew something was up. I had to hide my feelings.

I wasn't nervous. I wasn't flustered. I felt nothing.

Taking in a deep breath before letting it out, I flashed a smile and continued on my way down stairs.

In the time of about ten seconds, I realised that this thing had totally taken a different approach. I was actually laughing it off. Who cared if Emma was with Austin? I mean, we aren't even going out. As a matter of fact, technically, we're aloud to see other people and I was far from being jealous so I really didn't care.

For the rest of the night, we just kind of talked and joked around. Austin hadn't touched me since the whole closet incident and everything was going fine.

Almost too fine.

* * *

"What's that?" Cameron asked.

"What's what?"

"That," He said pushing my hair away from my neck. I scowled not having the slightest clue on what he was talking about. What did I have on my neck? "It's a red mark..." His voice trailed off and it's then when I knew exactly what he was talking about.

What was I supposed to say? I wondered. It needed to be believable and fluent as it came out.

My palms suddenly started sweating and every muscle in my body started to tense up.

Keep your cool Madison, don't ruin this. I kept telling myself. Hide the feelings.

The only reason as to why I was nervous was because of Cameron. He was giving me that look and I knew how he felt about guys in my life. Sometimes, I found that he was a little too protective and would often over react for nothing but somehow, I still managed to deal with it.

"Oh that!" I said pretending to remember about everything "I was straighten my hair last night but then my phone started to ring and I got distracted not paying attention to what I was doing anymore and I accidentally burnt myself."

He scrunched his eyebrows not buying the lie I had just fed him. Even though he didn't necessarily seem like it, Cameron was very smart and knew how to see through everyone. People often underestimated him on that level but I didn't, because I knew what he was capable of.

"You sure about that?"

"Yes, I am. I think I know better than you how it got there." I retorted. I knew it sounded pretty harsh but that was literally the only way to make him understand. He was stubborn as hell.

He scoffed shaking his head "If I didn't know better, I would say that it almost looked like a hickey."

"A hickey?" I gushed in total bewilderment "Really?"


I laughed for a brief moment not believing how far he had actually went. If he wanted to be that way then I was all up for it. And although I knew this was all a lie, I couldn't let him see through it, I had to play along. So placing my right hand on my hip, I narrowed my eyes in his direction "With who?"

He cocked his head to the side "I don't know, how about you tell me." He suggested.

"I was with Emma last night, you can even ask her. And besides, if there was someone, I would've told you about him and you know that."

I watched as his eyes scanned over my face over and over again trying to find-- I don't know what before he let out a fainted okay. He still didn't look all that convinced but it had to do.

I couldn't believe that I hadn't even noticed that I had a freakin hickey on my neck I mean, I did my hair this morning, looked at myself plenty of times in the mirror and with all that, I hadn't noticed.

I should've known this was going to happen.

Now I have to walk around looking like a slut all day, great. Just great.

Austin isn't going to get away with this because if there was one thing I didn't want, it was looking like a slut. There are plenty of those at my school and I'm pretty sure they don't need a new edition to their "family" considering it's big enough as it is thank you very much.

Maybe if I kept my hair close enough to my neck nobody will notice, I thought.

"Hey girly!" I heard the familiar voice call from behind disrupting me from my thoughts.

"Girly, me? I think you're the only girly one here, Sarah." I chuckled. It was true though, Sarah had always been the most girly one out of our gang. She liked to put on more make up then the rest of us, her hair was always perfect not to mention the clothes she wore, she always had manicures and everything about her was just so--her. So calling me the girly one was totally illogical on her part but whatever.

Rolling her eyes, she grabbed her phone out of her pocket "Whatever. Anyway listen up, Friday night, I'm doing another get together with everyone and you guys are obviously invited."

"A get together," I said "Or a party?"

"I said a get together. Look last Saturday, I really don't know what happened because initially, it wasn't supposed to turn into this huge party but somehow, it did. But I promise that this time, it's going to be a get together."

"Who's going to be there?" Cameron suddenly questioned. He didn't seem all that phased about it but I knew it was only because we had gotten into somewhat of an argument before Sarah showed up. He was probably still upset about the whole "hickey" thing.

So taking a quick look at her phone, she returned her gaze to his "Well as of now, only Jackie, Emma and Robert can come. I also invited Alex and his friend over."

"His friend?"

"Yeah. Austin his name." She knowingly said and as soon as she said it, my eyes widen "I met him the other day and he's actually a really nice guy. I thought it would be nice to make some new friends I mean, having Robert in the gang totally refreshed the vibe so why not. And besides, he's Alex's best friend and I don't want him to be left out."

Cameron nodded his head as I did the same. "Okay we'll be there!" I flashed her a smile proceeding with nudging Cameron's arm.

"Yeah, what she said." He managed to mumble out. I laughed at how much of a bad mood he was in. Since yesterday, he had been a real pain in the ass and I wondered why because he wasn't normally like this. Of course he had his moments like everybody else but constant for two days in a row, not exactly his every day behaviour. I didn't want to bother him thought so I just shut my mouth and dealt with his bad attitude. He would eventually tell me.

Sarah chirped in excitement as we started to make our way to class.

I started thinking and came to the conclusion that Friday was probably going to be a very interesting day. The fact that Austin was going to be there though, I didn't even know what to think about that. Basically anything could happen. All I knew was that I was going to have to pull off the whole "I don't know you" part. I had to make it clear as day that I hadn't been spending any time with him nor had we ever spoke outside the few times we met.

* * *

Hey(: I'm picking you up after school.

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