Chapter 3: Poppycock.

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Harry's POV.

"Please take a seat, Mr.Styles. Your jet will be ready in a few minutes." The flight attendant says, smiling at me.

"Yeah." I reply, taking a seat in the almost empty waiting room. The flight attendant leaves.

I switch my phone on and check my notifications. Behind me I hear noises of an argument. A girl seems to be fighting with the person at the cash register of the food stall. I ignore them and open Twitter.

"What do you mean you can't ?!" The girl's voice dominates the silent room. I can't hear what the person says as he must have replied softly.

"No, I won't. I will not pay £1.50 for one fish and chips!" Ah! Bargaining. I see. Again, I don't hear the soft reply she received. I concentrate on my phone.

"That's poppycock! I want to speak to your management."

'Poppycock?' This catches my attention. I turn back to see the girl stomping away from the stall. She comes and sits three seats away from me. I silently stare at her. She turns and catches my eye and gives me a questioning look.

"What?" She finally asks, frowning at me. I sit still for a few seconds and then shake my head. She turns away.

"Poppycock?" I ask, turning towards the girl again. She looks at me.

"Yeah." She says after a while, her eyes now focussed on the book that she is holding in her hands.

"What does it mean?" I question, trying to catch her eye.

"It is derived from the Dutch word 'Pappekak" which means 'soft dung'" She says monotonously, her eyes still skimming the book.

"Soft dung?" I half smile, truly amused. She doesn't reply. I turn back towards my phone, my twitter buzzing from tweets from my fans.

I decide to ask the girl for her name and turn towards where she is sitting.

"May-" I stop abruptly. She's gone. How-

"Sir." The flight attendant is back. "Your jet is ready for take-off.Your luggage has been packed away." She says. I stand up and follow her out of the room, turning back once to see if there is any sign of her.



"Look who's here!" Louis shouts, grinning.

"Hello, lads." I greet and hug each one of them. I'd arrived here at the studio after three hours of tiresome travel.

"So, how was Gem's engagement party?" Niall enquires.

"Oh, It went quite well." I say, taking a seat among them.

"Huh, we're sorry we had to miss it." Liam says apologetically, the other two nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, she did miss you guys. She is a bit mad too." I reply.

"Well, we'll be there for her wedding." Said Niall.

"Yup" chorused Liam and Louis.

"You better." I smirked. And with that we begin discussing work.


"No, it's definitely not true." Says Louis seriously.

"But, how can it not?" Asks one of the interviewer.

We were at a press meet, trying to supress the bloody rumours about us breaking up.

"How can it?" Niall asks.

"You yourself said that you were taking a break." The interviewer said.

"Honestly, miss" Liam pipes up. " There is a difference between 'taking a break' and 'breaking up'"

This shut the interviewer up. Another one stands up.

"Harry, you haven't said anything. What is your comment?" He asks.

"Um, look, I don't know from where you've got the information. But we are not breaking up. At least not anytime soon." I say with a straight face. That's it." I say.

And all of us get up to leave, ignoring the shouts from the media and cameras flashing and demanding voices asking for more questions.



Hey, guys. Thanks for reading the book. And for the whooping reads. Again don't be a ghost reader. Please do vote. And I would love to know your thoughts on the chapter. So please comment. I will be waiting for your feedback.

Once again, Thank You.

I love you.x

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