My breath was cut short
Dots are popping everywhere
Screams are heard
Blood is spilled
The temperature is boiling
But have no idea where I am
I gasped for air but nothing came in
My throat was dry and raspy
My heart was beating slower by the minute
I was sweating like crazy
I tried to yell but I couldn't find my voice
My lungs felt they were about to pop any second
But it didn't
Instead I felt heat
A lot of heat
Ropes were being tied aroung my legs and hands
And one around my throat
They tightened it until I felt my face turn Blue
My eyes wouldn't open
They were shut like glue
Where was I?
Deep Laughter filled my ears
It was evil and near
Footsteps paced toward me but I had no idea who it was
I heard the familiar Knife sound when you take it out
This was the moment I was going to Die
"Welcome to Hell, Sweetie."
Something sharp when in me and Liquid substance spilled out of my guts
Everything went black but I still felt myself choking
Then I realized something:
I was in Hell
Yeah this wasn't my best. (Probably my worst of all poems I written in my crappy journal But Oh well.
Vote if you think it was awesome.....IF!
Comment if you think it was Awful... I don't mind. Really.