His Way Of Proposing

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Andy: He would take you to where you first met, at a roller rink. You would ride around the rink for hours having the time of your life with the man you love. He'd trip over and land with a thud that was so loud it made you turn around, but when you turn around Andy was down on one knee asking you to spend the rest of your life with him.

Joe:  You were arguing in the car park of a restaurant you had just eaten in, you were always arguing but you both had this undying love for each other regardless of your countless arguments. In mid argument he'd say "God dammit Y/N." and get down on one knee and tell you this night was meant for him to propose to you, you shake your head with a smile and run into his arms.

Patrick: Patrick was a very cliche person but didn't want to admit to it, you had been talking about marriage for months now, you had a stable relationship and an on the way child with this man and you couldn't think of anyone else you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. Patrick took you to your favourite bands concert, you and him danced the night away. He knew the band personally so he contacted them before you came. "Can Y/N and Patrick get on stage?" the lead singer called out into the audience. Patrick dragged you up on stage with your favourite song being played in the background as he got down on one knee in front of 50,000 people.

Pete: Pete knew what he was signing up for when he started dating you, and he had stuck around since the beginning. You knew he was the one. He took you out the a kids pizza parlor for dinner, this was your usual Saturday night. You went to the arcade in the parlor after eating 3 pizzas between you both. He took you to the claw, and tried to win you a toy, but instead of picking up a toy he picked up a  small black box with a diamond ring a small note reading "Will you marry me?" with the claw. He turned around with the cheesiest grin and you screamed yes and ran into his open arms.

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