Reapings, Part One

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A/N: I did make one change to a few of the Turtles' names. I took away the "Hamato" part of their names (excluding Leonardo), and gave them Italian last names (with the exception of Raphael and Leonardo). The reason, if things work out right, will be revealed soon. 😉


The next morning, the entirety of District One gathered in Town Square, crowded around a large wooden stage. The warm sun beat down on the district from the light sky, and fifty clouds danced among the bright blue sky.

It was beautiful.

Too beautiful for what was about to take place.

Voices rose and clashed as the crowd buzzed, chatting and whispering nervously among themselves. Children huddled close to their parents, their eyes wide and little bodies trembling. Parents held each other, praying that the names of their children would not be drawn from the single glass ball onstage.

Leonardo shuffled anxiously from where he stood, grouped with the other fifteen-year-old males of the district near the stage. Looking around, he thought he spotted Splinter's dark fur in the crowd behind him. Looking to his right, he caught a brief glimpse of Mona, standing among the other eighteen-year-old females. Her deep green scales flashed briefly before she disappeared from view, seeming to melt into the crowd of girls her age.

The blue-masked turtle scratched at the back of his head nervously. His shell felt uncomfortably heavy on his back, and his three-fingered hands were twitching. He pictured his aging father, having to work by himself with no one to help and keep him company.

Please, don't let my name be drawn. I can't leave Father alone.

"Attention, District One," a voice sounded from the stage.

Leo looked up to see an enormous mutant tiger standing onstage, a microphone in his sharp-clawed hands. His dark eyes glittered maliciously...or eye, seeing as his left one was covered by an eyepatch. Instantly, all of District One fell into a dreadful, eerie silence. Leonardo tensed, and nearby, Mona instinctively wrapped her tail around her legs and squeezed tight. Her mother, Carmen, had wished her good luck before the Reaping–the lizard mutant swore she could still feel her warm touch on her cheek.

She's been through so much since Papi passed, she thought mournfully. It would be muy cruel if I were taken away from her as well.

Her scaly hands balled into angry fists.

Those Capitol cobardes.

"I am Tiger Claw," the announcer continued in a deep, rumbling voice. "And I am here to determine which two of this district's children will participate in this year's Games."

As he spoke, his sharp white teeth showed, making Leonardo flinch. Sweat began to form on his brow as Tiger Claw approached the glass bowl, digging a huge, paw-like hand inside. He pulled out two tiny slips of paper. Leo gritted his teeth.

My name could be on one of those.

Tiger Claw read off the first name.

"Monica Verlisa!"

Leonardo gasped, his blue eyes widening.


Every muscle in Mona's body tensed so tightly they very well could've popped. The lizard mutant felt as if her world was spinning, collapsing around her. A wail of grief sounded from somewhere in the crowd that she knew belonged to her mother. Still, her face showed no emotion as she walked up in front of her entire district, taking her place on the stage. Tiger Claw smirked slightly before reading over the other name.

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