Grief and Death

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The Careers marched through the woods, their hiking boots sinking into the snow as they traveled together in a small pack. Leonardo and Monica took the lead, their eyes scouting ahead for potential threats and resting places. Hazel and Penelope brought up the rear; usually, the two girls would be talking to each other and laughing, but right then they were both so awed and worried that they dared not to speak a word. Piper and Madison were sandwiched in-between.

Piper's ear twitched as she walked along. Unlike her other allies, who were shivering with cold through their jumpsuits, she barely felt the chill. The fur on her outfit combined with the fur on her body made her feel like a fluffy blanket with legs. She would feel Madison shaking beside her as chills racked her body, and the cat mutant fought the urge to wrap her arms around the girl and warm her up.

Piper couldn't help it–it was almost involuntary–but she found that her eyes continuously flickered toward Madison. Her mind noticed and memorized every little feature–the way her short hair swished up against her cheeks, the way she held her head up strong and tall. The way her dark skin had seemed to glow in the sunset the evening before, like gold. The warm glint in her dark brown eyes–her deep, magnificent, dark brown eyes.

The cat girl stiffened as she felt Maddie brush up against her. Madison felt it too, and quickly drew away.

"I–I'm sorry," she stammered. "It's just that...I'm cold and you're warm...and–"

"I don't mind," Piper blurted.

Madison's eyes flashed with...was that joy? Cautiously, she moved closer, until her head was resting comfortably on Piper's shoulder. A grin flickered at the corners of Piper's lips, and she and Maddie walked on together, through the winter wonderland.


A little snow hare bounded out from the trees into an open clearing, its tail bobbing as it moved. Finally settling down into the snow, it began to groom itself, drawing its tiny paws over its fluffy white ears.

A pair of intense green eyes flashed as they watched the small rabbit hungrily. Not a moment later, a hulking black she-wolf emerged stealthily from the shadows. The deep scars over her left eye made her look ten times more menacing as she stalked toward the hare. The little creature didn't notice the wolf's scent or presence before it was too late–in a flash, the she-wolf's sharp teeth were upon it.

Destiny imagined that the hare was Marcus as she gave a sharp nip to its neck, killing it in a flash. She imagined Marcus's body, going limp and becoming lifeless at her paws. Rage seethed in her belly as she morphed back into her humanoid form, memories of Casey filing her mind. She remembered everything–working with him in the fields every day, going for late-night walks, and just causing mischief with him and April.

Back when he was alive, she thought angrily. Now he's gone.

And I won't let that sit.

She picked up the dead hare, examining it. The catch was decent, big enough to feed her for a day or two, but she'd have to eat it in her wolf form. Without it, she'd be forced to eat raw, uncooked meat, something she wasn't willing to try in humanoid form. Her ears flattened against her hair, Destiny turned and lifted off, flying low to the ground as she headed back to her den.

Can you hear me, Casey? I hope so. Because I want you to know that if Marcus ever makes the mistake of coming into my neck of the woods, I'll make sure he doesn't forget what he did to you.

With a sad sigh, she added mournfully,

I'm so sorry you're gone.


Cara's wings ached as she beat them against the air, flying low in the air as to not attract attention to herself. She'd been flying for the rest of the afternoon and early into the night since the bloodbath, trying to put distance between herself and the other Tributes. She hadn't been able to sleep for long, too worried about someone catching up to her. Now exhaustion tugged at her brain, making her eyelids droop and her stomach rumble with hunger.

At last, the dragon girl could take it no more. She touched down in the snow, immediately folding in her tired wings and exhaling deeply. She crumpled to the ground, the cold snow providing cool pleasure to her hot, sweaty skin. Wriggling her backpack off, she unzipped it, looking inside for the first time. A small bag of chips had been packed inside, which she opened and tucked into hungrily.

Through her rather loud chewing, she was unaware of the rustling sound nearby. The only thing she could hear was the sound of her teeth munching on her chips. It wasn't until she heard the soft crunch of feet in snow behind her that she froze. Slowly, she reached for her weapon, unsheathing it and lashing out behind her in an instant.

Her blade collided with a gleaming metal bat.

A beyond-insane smile was engraved on Cyn's face as she shoved Cara's hands back; the blade went flying from her hands and away across the snow. The dragon mutant growled low in her throat, dashing for her weapon with Cyn hot on her heels. She scooped it up and spread her wings, propelling herself into the air. But at the last moment, Cyn grabbed her foot, snickering uncontrollably as she yanked Cara back down into the snow.

Caravina tried to take off again, but Cyn's bat bore down on her before she could. A sickening crack split the air as the weapon collided with her wing, causing something in it to snap. Cara screamed in agony, her eyes seeming to bulge out of their sockets, as her wing bent at a strange angle. She thrashed wildly on the ground, trying to scramble away, but Cyn's bat whacked her hard in the head before she could get to it. Cara's mouth gaped in a last gasp of pain before she went still, plopping back into the snow as her eyes glazed over. A moment later, the cannon boomed.

Cyn's eyes glittered with cold triumph as she stepped over the now-dead body, dashing away into the trees with her bat slung over her shoulder.


A/N: I referenced a Christmas song and I'm proud. XD

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