Chapter 1 - A new dark lord

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P.O.V    Draco's owl (Hermette)

"Draco, are you sure you want to take on the job of the Dark Lord" Lucius said, "You would be killed instantly, stupid Harry Potter and his DA group would find you as most of them are aurors now."

I couldn't understand why my master was being nice to Draco, usually he is insulting Draco and cursing him.

"How dare you suggest that I'm weak, I had a chance to become an auror, I passed all the training I just wanted to do something to please you dad. Anyway I'm an adult so it's me who chooses what I want to do with my life." Draco came back with

"But Draco, don't you see that I care for you," Lucius told his son.

"Dad since when did you care for me? You've always been complaining about me wishing I was more like you. I don't know who I want to be in life anymore; I'm desperate to please you for once in my life but I want to change, I want to be able to walk around without knowing people hate me, I did what I've done out of fear, fear that he would kill me." Draco admitted.

"Draco you are no son of mine, how can you say that to me? You've always hated the good side, you can't stand mudbloods. There's no way you are changing so don't even suggest it, I kept a roof over your head so you will do as I say". Lucius spat at his son.

"Ok then, I'll leave I've been thinking about it for a while," Confessed Draco, "I haven't enjoyed living with you I'm your son, not your slave."

Lucius started but was interrupted.

"DEMENTORS, there are dementors out side" screamed Narcissa, "I thought you ought to know."

I know this story isn't great but I promise it's going to get better in a couple of chapters. I know this chapter is short but I needed a chapter to start the story.

What's going to happen next? Why are there dementors?

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