Plans for the Summer

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My owl, Aria, clucks happily when I enter my room. Having just finished her morning flight her snow white and light brown feathers are ruffled from the wind. For a tawny owl Aria is small though she is one of the fastest owls I know of, which is a good thing since Draco's owl likes chase her. Even our own owl despise each other. Walking over to greet her I notice with surprise a letter has appeared on my bed. Letting Aria nip my ear in affection I grab the letter and rip it open, but not without noticing my name messily scrawled on the back that can only mean it's from one person.


Brilliant news, dad managed to get tickets the Quidditch World Cup and their Prime seats! Mum and Dad are letting me invite Harry to come with us along with Hermione! I asked Dad if he could get a ticket for you as well but he said that your family was probably already invited by the Minister. Can you believe I'll be in the same area that Victor Krum is in? Hope your parents got the tickets.


P.S I sent Pig, the owl Sirius gave, to deliver this letter but he'll be probably be gone by the time you find the letter. I'm having him deliver Harry an Hermione's letter as well and he's really excited about it. Don't ask about the name, it was Ginny's idea.

Laying the letter on my bed I can't help but grin with excitement. The Weasly family, Harry, and Hermione will all be there at the match. I walk over to my desk and open one of the draws. Inside it's full of food the house elves have given to me when I come visit them. With my stomach rumbling as loud as a summer storm I choose an apple and a biscuit that I grabbed last night. I tear off a piece of the biscuit and hold it up for Aria who takes it eagerly.

Taking a seat at my desk I dig out a blank piece of parchment paper from beneath all the other papers and trinkets scattered across my desk top. Dipping the snowy white feather that Neville had given me last Christmas Smoothing out the paper I begin to hurriedly write a reply to Ron.


Your dad was right Fudge did invite my family to come watch the match with up in the Top box. My parents actually suggested that after the match I could come stay with you for the remainder of the summer? Would your parents be alright with that?


P.S It's too bad you'll have to see Krum have his buttocks handed to him by the Irish.

Folding up the letter I place it in an envelope before holding it up for Aria. "Mind delivering this for me?" I ask her who sits perched on shoulder.

Giving my ear one last peck she takes the letter while spreading her wings magnificently. Jump off my shoulder she does one round around my room before swooping out the window. "Show off." I call after who shaking my head smiling.

Alia was given to me when my family went shopping for school supplies for the first time when my parents still bought me things. After my first year at Hogwarts my parents transformed a portion on their wealth into a separate vault in Gringotts. They told me that since I was a big girl now I could have my own vault now. Even at twelve's old I knew the real reason why they gave me my own vault was so I wouldn't have to have my parents with me to get my money. It was another excuses not to bring me along with them when they went out in public. From my second year on I either went shopping by my self or met someone there.

Glancing at the digital clock sitting on my desk I saw that it was only half past nine. Besides the news about the Quidditich Cup this day was going to be like all the rest. Letting out a sigh I walked over to the tapestry that hung on the wall next to my bed. The tapestry it's self was breath taking. Deep threads of reds and blues were sewn into the silky fabric while colors of the sun and moon danced across the tapestry. The tapestry depicts a ballroom scene of dancing muggles dressed in elaborate old fashion ball gowns. The dancers dance around gracefully in the outdoor ballroom while the moon and stares shine down upon them. Due to the spell put on the tapestry the dancers would forever be dancing around in eternal bliss, unaware of the outside world

But it wasn't the tapestry I was interested in, it was what was behind the tapestry that interests me. Gently pushing the tapestry out of the way, it revealed a small door. The door itself was almost invisible without the tapestry hiding it. Built with the same kind of wood the surrounding wall was made of, the only thing that made it visible was the small golden door knob attached to it.

The Malfory Manor was filled with secret passage was and hidden rooms. The only people who know of all the secret passages are the house elves. I suppose they have in order to keep up with my mother and fathers constant orders. Making sure I hear no footsteps I quietly open the door and slip in. Inside the passage it is pitch black but I know the path by heart and have no need of a light. Walking quickly I can't help but grin; it's time to visit the house elves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2013 ⏰

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