17~Jonas Banquet

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Nick's POV
"Babe?! Where's my black tie?" I yell to Charlotte in the other room.

"I think it's in your top drawer!" She says back. And she was right. I checked and it was there.

"How do I look?" She twirls around in her sparkly, mid-thigh length dress.

"Absolutely gorgeous." I go over to her, wrapping my arms around her and planting a kiss on her lips.

"When and where is the banquet?" My girlfriend asks.

"It's at the club on 45th and it starts around 7:30 so we've got awhile." I tell her.

"All to ourselves?" She asks.

"Yes ma'm." I smirk. Grabbing my hand, she pulls me over to my bed and we start to make out. I smile the biggest smile ever as we fall onto the bed.

"Babe?" I say, mid-kiss.

"Hm?" She sounds, not breaking our lips.

"I love you." Then I flip her over and start to tickle her.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!" She yells.

"Perfect timing!"

"Remind me never to make out with you again. Because then this happens." Charlotte laughs like crazy.

"Ah, but you know I love you." I stop tickling her, then go get changed. I can see Charlotte looking at me through the mirror, I just smirk.

"What if I just went in this?" I'm just in my dress pants and shoes.

"Nick. Stupid question." Charlotte laughs.

"Yeah, yeah." I go back into the bathroom and put my shirt and tie on.

"Now how do I look?"

"Like a model." Charlotte smiles.

"Thought so." I say.

"What're we going to do for the next half hour?" She asks me.

"Hmm...?" I ponder.

"I got it!" She says, her eyes lighting up.

"What?" She just smirks, not saying a word.

I shake my head and continue to get ready.
Charlotte's POV
Nick's 20th birthday is coming up soon so I've got to plan it. I'm thinking of it being at the same club that we are going to for the banquet tonight.
The banquet is for the Jonas Brothers reunion. Or, rather to celebrate them. But, I do need to plan his birthday.
I was thinking after we have the party, then we could just chill at his place. But, it'll be his choice at that point.

Tonight I'll have to get with the club manager and talk to him or her about the plans and what they think is best. His birthday is in about 2 and a half weeks, and I'm pretty sure he thought I forgot. So it'll be extra special.
Nick is still getting ready and so I do the same. I put on some sparkly, matte lipstick and sparkly silver eyeshadow. As well as blu eyeliner and mascara.

"I'm ready." Nick says, coming from the bathroom. God, he's really hot. I always ask myself, how did I get so lucky?

"I'm just about." I say, applying more lipstick and putting it in my clutch.

"You look beautiful, Charlotte." He tells me, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"You look very handsome Mr. Jonas." Nick has really curly hair and he's just so adorable. I twist a curl of his hair around my finger which goes down the middle of his hair.
As we get lost in each other's eyes, Nick's phone starts to ring.

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