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"I don't wanna go home." I whine as Nick and I are in the elevator. Our flight boards in about 15 to go back to California.

"I know honey." Nick kisses the top of my head. We get off the elevator and lug our suitcases to two chairs.

"Time to go to Cali." Nick cheerfully chimes.
We get to our seats on the plane and relax for the flight.

"Love you. See you later honey." Nick kisses me. I get out of the car and go to his door. I don't even get my things out of the back.

"What are you doi-" Nick starts but I cut him off. My lips come crashing down on his as he gets out of the car. I push him against the driver door so it closes. Nick lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him.

"I love you so much. And I couldn't leave without that." I pull away, breathing hard.

"Good thing too. I needed that." Nick lets me down and hugs me tight, as if to never let me go.

"I don't want you to let me go." I whispered.

"We can hug lots and lots when I get home tonight." Nick states happily.

"Bye I love you." I say.

"I love you too Princess." Then he drives off. I'm actually happy to be home. Today I'm just going to take time to unpack things. I walk into the building and take a deep breath. It's great to be home.

"I just wanna feel ya closer! Closer!" I sing my heart out to Nick's song 'Closer' feat. Mike Posner. I am now in love with that song. I've managed to unpack 2 boxes out of about 13 and get everything set up the way I want it.

I look around the room and see that I've really made myself at home in the living room. I literally organized everything. I even moved the tv and couch. I'm a neat freak, what can I say. Once Nick comes home, I think he'll be very impressed. Time to move to the bedroom and put all my clothes away. Thank god Nick has two dressers. Except one I think he left for me. It took me about 2 hours to clean up the living room and unpack those two boxes. I have 5 boxes of bedroom things.
Unfortunately, some of my bedroom things I won't be using because I don't have my own room anymore. But that's perfectly fine because I'm sharing a room with someone that I really love.

"I'm hungry." I say out loud to myself. So I decide to get up and go get some McDonalds. Hey, I know it's not the healthiest but I like it once in a while. I get in the car and go to the drive through of McDonalds.

"What can I get for you today?" The cashier says through the speaker.

"Yeah hi. Can I please get a Number 7?" I say.

"What with that?"

"Diet Coke please." I say. Wow, I'm just going for unhealthyness today.

"Does your order screen look correct?" I snap out of my thoughts as I look at the screen.


"Okay your total is $6.57. Please pull up to the first window." They say. I pull up and wait for the car in front of me. I occupy myself by listening to music. Nick gave me a Jonas Brothers CD and I've been obsessed. Like it's bad.

"$6.57 please." The guy at the window tells me. I hand him my money and his gaze moves to my chest. I clear my throat a little more exaggerated then planned, and he gives me my change.

"Thank you." I sneer, pulling up to the next window. He just smiled and smirked.

30 minutes later, I'm sitting on the bedroom floor going through old stuff. I'm putting some things in a big garbage bag and others in the box that I'm keeping. Lots of the stuff is like pictures from my childhood or when I was little and also when Matt was born. Speaking of Mattie, I just recently called and she is doing absolutely wonderful. When I heard that I was so relieved because I was scared to death.

My phone gets a notification for a FaceTime call as I'm sifting through things. It's from my boyfriend.

"Hello?" I answer. Nick is shirtless and his hair is wet. Well, that is not what I expected.

"Charlotte. Hey, so I don't think I'll be home when I planned. Our filming is taking a little longer then expected. My partner will refuse to play our part." Nick starts off.

"Which is?"

"We have to kiss and she won't do it." Nick pushes his hair from his forehead.

"I could replace her." I smirk and giggle a little.

"Well, as much as I would love that, you're not an actress unfortunately." Nick smiles.

"Well doesn't that just suck?" I say.

"What are you doing? I still have a few minutes." Nick says.

"Well, I just got myself lunch and now I'm unpacking more boxes. The same thing I was doing this morning." I fake sigh.

"I'd love to be there helping, unfortunately I have to be here." Then Nick bites his bottom lip. I don't think he really meant to do it but it makes me weak.

"Stop that." I scold.
"What?" Nick snaps out of whatever thought he was in.

"You know what you were doing." I smirk and raise my eyebrow.

"Uh no I do not sweetheart. Would you enlighten me?"

"Biting your lip!" I playfully yell.

"Well, I was not aware I was doing that. But I have to go now. I love you and I shall see you later." Nick smiles really big.

"Gotcha. Love you." I'm cut off because he hangs up right away. Can't blame the guy, he's got a lot going on.

I shrug it off and continue to unpack.

A Roller Coaster Ride We're On || (n.j.) || Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now