Memories | 5

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Normal P.O.V

Then you heard footsteps from behind you. Haru sat on your left, and Makoto on your right, there was an awkward silence that lasted for about two minutes, but it was broken by the sound of the doorbell.

" Who could that be? "

Makoto asked, looking at Haru, Haru just shrugged and sunk further into the couch.

" Even after what just happened, you still haven't learned to open the door on time? "

You threw your hands up in frustration, Haru sighed heavily and got up to open the door. He was greeted by a cheery blonde boy who seemed overly-excited.

" Mako-chan! Haru-chan! (Y/N)-chan? "

He tilted his head as he looked at you.

"(Y/N)-chan? What are you doing at Haru's house? "

Nagisa asked.

" Leave her alone, what are you doing here? "

Haru asked in the same, monotone voice.

" The old Iwatobi swim club is being taken down, let's go visit! "

Nagisa said, jumping up and down.

" Whaddya say (Y/N)? Let's all go together. "

Makoto said, getting up from his spot on the couch. You were still shaken up by what had just happened but you felt safer now that you had a group of boys there to protect you.

" Sure. "

You said, your voice was hoarse due to all the shouting from before. Nagisa giggled and pulled you off the couch. You forced a smile and left the house with the three boys.

Walking to the said swim club, you kept your head down, afraid to look up. Makoto walked by your side, as did Haru, Nagisa was speeding up, walking a little bit in front of you three.

" C'MON! Don't walk so slowly! "

Nagisa said, pouting. Makoto chuckled at how Nagisas face was, he looked like a puppy [A/N: nagisa is my main hoe ngl]

" Yeah, yeah, calm down, what's getting you so hyped anyway? "

You replied, suddenly forgetting the incident that occurred about half an hour ago.

" The real question is, what hasn't got me hyped? We're going back to our old swim club! "

Nagisa said, his eyes sparkling as he spoke about their old club.

" So, this is a big deal for you boys? "

You raised your eyebrow as you asked your question. Nagisa and Makoto nodded once in reply, but Haru was facing the other direction.

" Swimming will always be a big deal for us! "

Makoto and Nagisa said in unison. You chuckled a bit and were about to say something when Nagisa interrupted you.

" Especially for Rin-chan and Haru-chan "

As the blonde boy spoke this you started thinking about what he was saying


" A-Alright, anyways, how do you know that I won't like Gou's brother? "

You crossed your arms, waiting for an answer from Haru.

" Because I don't like him "

-End of Flashback-

" So, you two hate eachother? "

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