Runaway [2] | 12

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Normal P.O.V

" You're all dead to me. "

Those words stung you like a knife, why wouldn't he let you help him?

None of you ran after him, thinking he would come right back.

An hour past, and he still didn't return. His parents were caught in traffic, and everything was going wrong.

You looked out the window, hoping to see Nagisa, but no luck, you were getting impatient, and worried for your friend.

" I'm gonna go find him. "

You said, walking to the front door, opening it and taking one step out.

" (Y/N), it's late, he'll be back soon "

Makoto said, stopping you from walking any further.

" Don't you care about him? What if he's in danger? Some kind of friends you are. "

You spat out, before running off into a random direction, hoping Nagisa went the same way.

You thought about places he might be at, his house? Hell no. School? Nah, too obvious. A place with a pool? Sure.

For some reason, you went into the direction of their old swimming club building, even though you knew it was torn down.

Once you stumbled upon it, you almost didn't recognize it, it was brand new, the walls were rebuilt, the paint was no longer chipped,

And it looked like it was pretty busy

Maybe someone bought it and remade it?

You questioned, but didn't bother to think about it. You hoped and prayed that Nagisa would be inside.

It wasn't locked, in fact, it looked as if someone had broken in, which gave you a little more hope to see Nagisa.

You walked through the halls, looking at the pictures on the wall, and remembered that you had taken a picture that day you first came here.

While walking through the dark halls, you started thinking about the rumours saying that this place was haunted.

You shivered and the thought, and tried to stop thinking about it, when you heard footsteps.

You jumped at the sound and started walking faster, before bumping into something, or someone, and screaming.

They slapped a hand over your mouth and shushed you. You looked up to see four boys.

Rin, Haru, Rei and Makoto.

" What're you guys doing here? "

You said, getting up and dusting yourself off.

" Looking for Nagisa, you slapped some sense into us. "

Makoto said, chuckling, you smiled, knowing that you now had help on your 'mission'

You shuddered a bit, thinking about how scared you were when you bumped into what you thought was a ghost, but was actually your brother.

" Aww, is (Y/N) scared? "

Rin said, chuckling and ruffling your hair. You rolled your eyes and slapped his hand away.

" I was almost hit by a car, and you think a dark building scares me? "

You said, all serious-like, even though you were really scared.

Makoto eyes widened and he grabbed you by the shoulders.

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