Chapter 2

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"Where the hell am I?!" I growled angrily to myself. I bet this had something to do with Zeus. Stubborn geezer. I thought we settled this? After I picked myself up, I stalked through the halls with balled fists. Surely someone else must be here that can fill me in with what's going on?

After walking around for a while, I glimpsed a snow white rabbit with a bow tied around its neck, probably someone's pet. It saw me and was about to turn tail and sprint, until I pounced and pinned it. "Shhhh, I'm not going to harm you, I can control myself" attempting to soothe it, I petted it. There was a slight instinct to tear at it but it wasn't a demon so I wasn't that interested. It perked up a bit. "Promise?" It looked at me with hopeful eyes glinting with fear, which slowly subsided as it saw my relaxed face. The rabbit did help me calm down a bit too, and I don't want to scare it. Suddenly I heard stomping mixed in between pants and I turned to see a rather flustered and angry looking guy with blue hair. His glare settled on me and then the rabbit. His face distorted a bit then his mouth opened.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing with usamaro!!" He marched towards me and leaned in angrily. This brat.

I pushed his face back angrily with my hand and snarled. The rabbit hopped out and leapt into his hands.
"Excuse me? I could ask you the same thing, and personal space, jeez!" Kitami glared at him in frustration.

"What are we doing here?!" Clearly he was pissed and ignored her comment, but this just irritated her more. She was about to punch him when he stood up and turned.
"Ugh forget it, I need to find tsukito!' He stomped off leaving Kitami riled up. She stood up and punched the wall, cracking it with sheer force. Then she stretched and sighed. Let it go. Continuing to explore a bit, she walked endlessly through halls and rooms. Suddenly she was stopped in her tracks by a familiar voice.

"Kita? Kita! Kit-Kit!" Someone bellowed from behind her, oh God. She sighed a sigh mixed with more irritation but also a little relief. She turned and saw her brother, Apollon, bounding towards her with a frail looking purple haired girl. She was glad to see him though he was more than a little annoying.

"I knew it! Hi Kitami! This is Yui, or fairy-san~" he raised his arm towards the girl whom Kitami didn't recognise. She raised an eyebrow at her unusual aura, she didn't seem godly like the rest of them. Powerless and a little-

"She's human!" Apollon wore a half shocked expression as the girl smiled in a state of confusion. Ah. That explains it. Kitami let out a sigh and scanned the girl. She could definitely see how she was a human now. "Hello! I'm Yui Kusanagi! Do you happen to k-"

I cut her off abruptly. "I'm Kitami. I have no idea so don't bother." Yui looked disappointed but then plastered a smile again. Apollon spoke up. "We took a trip to the sky to find out where we are, and it seems to be an island. Probably Zeus's doing." He frowned a little. "I thought so. What does he want with all of us? Especially a human girl, is he going mad?" Kitami turned on her heel and let out a small wave. "I'm going ahead to try and find him, see y-"

Just as she was about to walk away, the backdrop shook and changed. The human girl let out a squeal as they all appeared in some grand hall of a sort. Kitami looked around to see a few different people, including the blue haired boy from before. She grimaced. Next to him was an expressionless purple haired boy, ah, were they the Japanese Gods she'd heard about? Looking around a bit more she saw other flustered Gods, all male a part from her, they seemed just as confused as them at where they were. Then she turned her attention to in front of her, where a smug looking blonde middle age man sat. She felt anger bubble inside of her and curled her fists up.

Zeus noticed this and sighed. Suddenly a red haired God piped up. "Oi what do you think your doing!" The blue hair guy chimed in "Who are you?!" They both tried to attack him simultaneously, which resulted in them taking a tumble. Whatever they tried didn't affect him. Zeus raised and stomped his staff off the floor. Sparks shot out, and suddenly different types of jewellery; necklaces, bracelets, rings started to appear on the Gods. Kitami reached up to her neck where she felt a black choker, a silver rose sat in the centre. Confused yet again, she looked up at Zeus expectantly.

"If you use your powers indiscriminately, you will destroy this garden. These pieces of jewellery are limiters. They confine your divine powers, so you will not be able to use them." He moved his gaze to across all of the Gods and rested his head on his hand, which was lazily propped up by his elbow resting on the throne. "Apollon Agana Belea, Greek God of the sun,
Dionysus, Greek God of wine, fertility and merry making,
Hades Aidoneus, Greek God of the Underworld,
Kitami Agana Belea, Greek God of wild animals, the hunt of prey, and fierceness,
Loki Laevatein, Norse God of fire,
Balder Hringhorni, Norse God of light,
Thor Megingyoruzu, Norse God of thunder,
Takeru Totsuka, Japanese God of the sea,
Tsukito Totsuka, Japanese God of the moon,"

Zeus averted his gaze to the human girl, who stood in uncertain disbelief and shock.

"You have been summoned to this school due to the weakening bond between the humans and the Gods. You will study the human heart here, along with this girl, Kasanagi Yui."

He pointed his staff at the ceiling, to which a glass ball started to lower.

"You have one year to fill this glass ball which represents your ties of knowledge to the human heart. If you fail within a year to achieve this then you will all be trapped here for eternity."

A chorus of moans and snarls was let out by the Gods lined up through the hall. "You can't do this. It's tyranny!" The girl stuttered. "Yeah, she's right, you can't force this on us!" Zeus narrowed his eyes with irritation. "Oh but you're wrong, I can and I will. You will not leave unless you fulfill my plan."

"Thoth, come out now." A tanned man wearing Egyptian attire with white hair and lined blue eyes stepped out from the side. He had an aura of strictness and authority, but seemed to lack tolerance. "This is Thoth Caduceus, the Egyptian God if knowledge. He will be your teacher and guide you through this school year." The white haired man seemed slightly displeased with this but confirmed it with a nod.

"Finally, you will not be alone in your studies." He crashed his staff onto the carpet yet again, and this time an abundance of faceless human figures appeared around us, harmlessly buzzing with murmered chatter. "These are spirits created with my magical power. They will learn along side you, to create the atmosphere of  human school. Treat them with decency. Also the the male dorms are on the left and the females on the right. The opening ceremony will be tomorrow and you are all expected to attend. You are now dismissed."

With one final blow of his staff, we were transported out of the hall into the dorms. I was furious. How dare he go against our wills just to force us to play a part in his plan. He is my father, but I refuse to accept or listen to his authority. I am not playing your game.

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