Chapter 3

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I awoke to sunlight streaming through the thin drapes framing the window. Stretching off all the exhausting tension built up from yesterday's events, I sat up in my bed. I wasn't really in the mood to focus much last night so I went straight to sleep, but now I have an opportunity to look around my dorm.

It was a decent sized living space, nothing compared to the palace but it was comfy and quaint all the same. One corner of the room was a small kitchen featuring an island and little dining table. The tiled floor soon faded into carpet as the rest of the room was occupied by shelves, my bed, a TV etc. Though it wasn't as extravagant as home it was certainly more practical.

There also seemed to be a balcony, a bathroom, a closet and a hot spring sauna type room. I did kinda like it though I wasn't going to admit that.
"'Ello? Vix? Yooohoo~" I heard a voice nearby. Quickly changing my stance, irritated I didn't sense a presence before, I dared it to mess with me.

"Who's there?" I snarled, something tugged at my leg and I roundhouse kicked what seemed like a plush doll into the wall. It landed with a thud and slid comically onto the covers of my bed. Eh...

"Ouch, I know you were fierce but this is a pretty rough first impression" it chuckled while rubbing the stitches on its head. Damn me, is that a talking doll? I squinted at it giving an expectant glare.

"Right! I'm Cassy, and I'm gonna help guide you here!" It looked at me with one button eye, tilting its head in hopeful acceptance. I sighed.

"I wouldn't put it past Zeus to make you." Lowering my defensive gaze I smiled a bit and scanned it up and down. It had a mostly brown torso, with the occasional colour patch. It's head was particularly bright and sewn up. It had one eye missing, but a rather endearing charm all the same. The most noticeable thing for me was its foxy ears. At least he was considerate.

Well, I should probably get dressed. Waltzing over to my closet expecting at least a few decent robes, I frowned. It contained a school uniform and nothing else. Briskly sweeping it aside and delving further in, I confirmed that was all he had supplied me. Cheeky little b-

There was a knock on the door and I sighed rather audibly, yet another feeble knock came again, irritating me. I swung open the door and leaned against the frame to see the purple haired human, Yui was it?

"Mmmh?" I questioned nonchalantly while picking at my nail, making myself appear disinterested.

"A-ah.. Well the opening ceremony is starting soon and I came to let you know and get you!" she smiled sweetly, though I could tell she was a little nervous. Well who can blame her? I would be too when standing in front of such an amazing God. Whooo~

"Sorry but I'm not interesting in letting Zeus walk all over me. I don't know why you're letting him do so to you." My face fell and I looked her in the eye. She gulp and stood straight.

"W-Well, he made it pretty clear he wasn't going to let us leave.. I.. I don't want to be stuck here so.." She scratched the back of her neck with a pleading look.

I sighed loudly. I'm not a pushover, if a few longing looks could do anything we wouldn't be here right now.

"Sorry Yui, I'm probably not going to make an appearance. If I change my mind I might drop by, but don't count on it. You should probably run along."

She slumped her shoulders and gave a weak nod before ambling down the hall. Jeez. I closed the door letting yet another breath escape my lips. Unwillingly, I took the school uniform out and changed into it. It's better than nothing right?

I need some fresh air. Slipping through the doorway into the dorm hall, I walked, taking in the structure of the building. I have to admit that the gardens were well kept and rather beautiful, and I was particularly happy to see a forest surrounding the school. Breathing in the crisp air while walking around the outskirts of the woods I felt a relaxation run through me. I'm gonna make the most of this brief period of calm.

Back against the cool trunk of a tree, I threw my hair over my shoulder out of my face and closed my eyes, drifting off for a while.

I awoke to quiet chuckling somewhere off to my right, looking over the side of the tree trunk through some bushes I saw a certain red haired God. Loki was it? In his hand was an uncapped marker, and he stood as if he was examining some magnificent artwork of his. I leaned further over to see that grumpy blue haired God. His face... was covered in doodles, pffft... I tried to stifle a laugh but the culprit of the crime noticed.

His face suddenly serious, he bounded over to me stealthily as not to wake the snoozing idiot.

"Wha..." I mumbled before he put a hand over my mouth. He caged me to the tree with his other hand, and I glared at his cold eyes.

"Don't wake him up."

I bit his hand and he jumped back, releasing me.

"Or what?" the words fell through my lips like silk as a victorious smirk traced on my face.

He glared at me, then at the pen loosely in his grip, then at me and another mischievous smirk grew on his face. Suddenly he had pinned me again and had the pen floating an inch or so away from my cheek, pointed tip ways.

I grabbed his hand and threw him down, snatching the marker. His eyes opened wide before he regained composure. I was now sitting on top of him, unphased. What did he expect? I had the marker in my hand and managed to get a few lines on him before he threw me off.

"Ughhhhh?..." A voice sounded sleepily somewhere nearby. Oops. I locked eyes with Loki and realised this was my perfect chance. Sprinting off, I left him frowning with a soon to be murderous Takeru and a lost game.

Well... That's what the plan was... But he got up and gave chase. He chased me over a fence and weaved through bushes, he couldn't outrun me, Kitami; half fox & half wolf! Sure enough I did start to lose my breath and I spotted a set of double doors with noise sounding from inside.

Maybe it was a cafeteria or something? At the very least, I can blend in and hide with the crowd.

I threw the doors open, and I came across some wide eyes and an infuriated teacher. Ahhh... Somewhere behind me a soft chuckled could be nears but as I turned no one was there. Tch... That bastard.

"Kitami Agana Belea!"


Sooo I'm not too great at honorifics and Japanese related stuff but I'll try. If its just their name on its own don't over think it xD thanks for reading! I'd love for feedback. :)

Oh and sorry if it seems a bit more sloppily written this chapter, my mind is elsewhere .-. .... Whooo~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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