Letter 11, 5, 12.

54 3 3

Dear My Princess,

#11- when you walk, your feet go in, which
means you're a fast runner.

Happy Monday love! & have a great day. 2 weeks until you figure out who I am. (:

-your always.
Dear My Prince,

Monday's are my least favorite day of the week. You're the only good part of it. I never try to look good on Mondays. Have a great day.

-your forever
Dear My Princess,

#12- you don't know you're beautiful.

Bonus letter. I'm not sorry. I love you. 13 more letters!

-your always.
A/N- hello everyone!!! I hope you have a great day/night. Thank you for reading! I love you! Remember-

If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down. 💩

-The Author.🤐

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