Letter 17, 10.

46 3 0

Dear My Princess,

#17- your messy buns and sweatpants on a Monday.

Happy Monday, 8 more letters.

-your always.
Dear My Prince,

Mondays suck ass. Just saying. Have a great day.

-your forever.
*Anonymous POV*

Ashley and I have been writing back and forth and my smiles have grown wider with each word I read from her letters. Yes, her letters are short, but do I care? Absolutely not.

I talk to Ashley occasionally, and when I do it's always, always with my band mates. That's not my decision. But apparently I have too big of a mouth that I'll confess my 'Undying love' for Ashley the moment we're alone. That's what one of them said. I guess I have a big mouth.

Like there was this one time in 5th grade, when I had my first kiss, I was talking to the girl I liked and I was telling her how one of my band mates hates her, and still does. But I forgot I shouldn't have said that because he was dating her. Oops.

But there was a turn out, because she said "Good, now I can do this." and I swore sparks flew when we kissed. I don't know, it was fifth grade, but I better get a good kiss when Ashley finds out who I am. Or a hug. Or a glance. Literally anything between Ashley and I would have an affect on me. Fuck, I'm already whipped for a girl who doesn't even know who I am.

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