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Adaline woke up to the usual shout early in the morning and quickly limped over to her Box and realised that she already had her uniform on and fell to the floor with her hands clutching her ribs.

Her dad walked in and laughed "get up and get out " and punched her in the face.

Adaline screemed out and removed her hands from her ribs only to place it over her eye and looked down to the floor tears falling through her hand.

Her dad chuckled and walked out and said "you've got 10 minuets."

She lay up against the wall for about 2 minuets untill she Finaly got up. She walked to the bathroom and brushed her hair lightly as it hurt to lift her hand.

She lifted her hand above her head to try and brush the top of her head and screamed in agony and fell to the floor.

Her dad came storming in and pulled her out by her hair and threw her onto the grass and shouted "quit being so loud and go to school i've had enough of you for one day"

She cried on the grass and watched her dad lock the door behind him and get into his car. He looked around in his car and found his can of bear and drank the last mouthful before throwing it out of his window at Adaline.

Adaline's rib hurt even with that small action she cried even more and her dad sighed and drove of.

She lay there for 2 hours untill she saw the bus coming it stopped at her stop and no one got on so 2 minuets later it started to leave.

Adaline hoped that the bus driving would see her when it drove past her but to her luck it just drove passed her proberbly because the bus driver was paying atention to the road and no one on the bus liked her enough to inform the bus driver or atlease look at her house to see if she was okay.

Another half an hour later a car came past and stopped when a frantic woman came out running towards her and a man followed. It was Hanna.

Adaline felt a sence of relief but also fear, although she didn't know why. The shouts of Hanna grew distant and Adaline noticed that she was crying silently and everything went dark.

Not long after she woke up again and noticed she was being held in someone's arms and she was in a car.

She looked up only to see Hanna smiling down at her. She smiled back and closed her eyes again only to open them seconds later in panic. "Where are we going?" She tried to sound panicked but it came out as a weak murmer.

Hanna quietly said "relax we're on out way to the hospital"

Adaline dredded them words and quickly shook her head in protest only to screemed from the pain what erupted from everywhere in her body.

Hanna held her close to try and comfort her and ease the pain and said "Adaline you need to go to hospital, my fiancè, Jacob he's a doctor and he says you've broken your rib and arm and will need an X - ray to see if you've got anymore damage to your body"

"P- please no! I don't want to, ill get into trouble, I- I need to go to school"

"Adaline, please tell me, why, what has you so scared?"

Adaline quickly silenced herself knowing she had said too much and looked towards the floor of the car.

Hanna sighed and said something to the guy named Jacob. He nodded his head and said something back however all Adaline could hear was a high pitch buzzing noise before she passed out again.

A few hours later Adaline gained consciousness. She imediately noticed that she wasn't in her room.

She tried to get up but screemed in pain. She recalled the previous events that happened and tears rolled downs the side of her face.

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