Bullied at School

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Hope you liked my last one and sorry this one took so long to update got so much going on especially since I've got my Japanese exam coming up... hope it all goes well...
After 2 minuets of crying to herself she got up and wiped away her tears and brushed her hair yet again. She made sure her dad's friend wasn't in the house and got another glass of water to wash away the horrible taste of Cum from her mouth and got something to eat, now that she could.

She ran outside to the bus stop to find her bag still there but it had a note on it. She looked at it and debated weather or not to open it because if she opened it and her dad found out she would be in trouble again.

She tried to ignore it but she was so curious and opened it.

"If you ever need my help or need to talk to me please make sure you call me:
077 7462 7841"

She imediately thaght that must be the kind woman who tried to help her, she recalled the moments before she was raped and imediately regretted thinking she could ever bring her harm and imediately felt guilty but didn't know why.

Just that moment he buss stopped in front of her and the door opened. She gave a small smile to the bus driver and sat down at the front of the bus hoping no one would notice her.

The she herd someone say "Hey looser what do you think you're doing sitting near me"

She looked behind her to see Jessica and Liam, they took her bag from the set next to her and they saw her diary in it and tried to open it but soon realised it was locked.

They threw her books in the floor and said "hey do something about it idiot"

She sadly looked down to the floor where her books were and bent down to pick them up but then Jessica grabbed her by the hair and said "hey, where is the key to the diary, I want it, give it to me now"

She looked up at her with tears in her eyes and said "please let go it hurts"

"Haha you think im gonna let you go coz you want me to good luck with that" Jessica tightened her grip on her hair and said "ill tell you, what ill let go if you give me the key"

"N- no please I don't want to" Adaline pleaded and begged and then noticed everyone was pointing at her and laughing calling her names like crybaby and looser and pathetic.

"Why, what you trying to hide now it makes me more interested" Jessica retorted.

"LEAVE ADALINE ALONE!" the bus driver shouted and they all stopped and Jessica said so that the bus driver couldn't hear " she's hear now but she won't be hear in school" she smiled and spat at her and said "C'mon liam let's go, it stinks around hear"

Everyone sat back down and Adaline picked up her books and took her seat too and then the bus driver said "right out the lot of ya we're hear, take out all ya rubish on the way" Adaline waited for everyone to get of before she stood up and got of before she got of the bus driver looked at her and said "you alright Adaline"

The same words what she said everyday but still ment so much to her. She cracked a small smile and nodded her head and got off.

She done what she always did instead of going out to play outside in the playground before lessons, she sat alone with her teacher in the classroom doing the homework what she can't do at home.


The Bell for first lesson rang and Jessica and Liam followed by the rest of the class came trough the door taking there seats while Adaline put away her homework and looked back at Jessica and then back to the front of the class.

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