8. Trouble At The Club

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Carter's POV:

We drove to the club and walked straight to the front of the line. I love abusing the rockstar life. Or, the sister of a rockstar life. As we walked through the double doors the smell of booze and the intensity of the music almost knocked me down, not to mention the strobe lights as well. Man, it's been awhile. Ronnie must have sensed it overwhelming me because I felt him lace his fingers through mine and whispered "Are you sure you're ready for this?" into my ear. His warm breath on my neck sent shivers throughout my body. Unable to speak I nodded my head yes. He nodded back and released my hand.

Damn. I wish that moment would have lasted a few moments longer.

I made my way to the dancefloor. Guys were already all over me. Asking me my name, number, and other things that were pretty innapropriate, and awkward. My answer to each question was the same.

"Fuck off. i just came to dance."

It was true. I had no intention of drinking, or meeting someone, or even a one night stand. I didn't want a meaningless make-out session either.After an hour and a half later of just dancing my feet were killing me. I made my way over to the bar to rest for a little while. The second I sat down guys were ordering me drink after drink. One guy in particular just wouldn't give up. I turned all the drinks down, however. i was going to stay strong. The creepy drink guy walked over and sat down next to me. He reeked of alcohol and weed. Gross.

"Why turn down all these free drinks?" he was slurring his words. He was beyond drunk at this point. It was obvious.

"I don't drink. I guess I'm just not the drinking type of person." i told him. just trying to get him to go away.

"Lying bitch. Do you think you're too good for me? Is that what it is? I ordered you this drink, so drink it!" He said, pushing a drink at me. He was both angry and offended that I wouldn't accept his offer.

"thanks for the gesture. But I'm not drinking. I don't want them." God, I just wanted him to go away. It looked as if he was going to until he grabbed me hard by my wrist and slung me around the corner of the bar where no one could see us and pushed me up against the wall. His hand now covering my mouth. I was shaking from fear. He leaned close to my ear and whisper yelled  "Now. are you gonna go back over there and drink those drinks that I paid for you like a good girl, or am I going to havta to teach you some manners, you ungrateful slut!?" His slurred words sent shivers down my spine, but not in a good way like Ronnie. He finally removed his hand so I could answer. I took a deep breath and was about to say something when someone tapped on the guy's shoulder. Ronnie!

"Dude, get off of her." Ronnie said calmly. A little too calm, it was a scary kind of calm.

"Get your own bitch. This one is mine." the drunk guy said

"Wrong answer." and with that Ronnie decked the guy in the face. He wen down with one hit. i stepped over the guys body and embraced Ronnie so tight I thought I might choke him. I felt myself begin to sob into his chest as his arms snaked tightly around me.Him and I walked over to the dancefloor and found the guys. Ronnie told them it was time to go. they all objected like kids who didn't want to leave a toy store. Ronnie was the only sober one it seemed. I hadn't even smelled liquor on his breath. Wonder what that was about. We finally got the guys into the car. they were all drunk off their asses. Ronnie drove us home since my hands were still shaking.

"How'd you know?" I asked. Ronnie.

"I was on the dancefloor with Max when he gave Sam back her iPod. i had been looking for you so I asked her if she saw you. She said she saw you talking with some guy at the bar and then you went around the corner with him. It seemed a odd since you weren't drinking, or planning to hook-up. So I walked over there and saw he had you up against the wall." I have to remember to thank Sam. And I owed Ronnie big time! Who knows what that creep would have done!

"God Ronnie. I can't even begin to thank for what you did." I was at a loss for words. He practically saved my life that night.

"No problem. Seriosuly. I said I'd be there for you. that includes beating up assholes who try to jump you. I'm sure any of the other guys would have done the same thing. We all think of you as our little sister." Little sister? Damn. That's not what you want to hear from your crush. Instead of replying I simply smiled at him. i found myself fast asleep before we even reached the house.

Ronnie's POV:

She smiled that sweet smile. I kept driving. I looked over at her once again and saw she was fast asleep. She's so damn cute. And there's that word again.... i pulled into the driveway as close to the door as I could and hopped out. I escorted the drunk dumbasses to the front door and helped them in. I ran back to the car and saw Carter was still sleeping. I contemplated waking her up but decided against it. I unbuckled her seatbelt and picked her up bridal style and kicked the car door shut. Man, she was light. I walked into the house and looked around. Monte was asleep face first into the carpet and everyone else was doing who knows what. I decidded to take Carter to her room so she could actually sleep. she semi-woke up as I carried her up the second flight of stairs.

"w-what's goin on?" She stuttered, still half sleep.

"The house is drunk out of it's mind. So I'm taking you to your room so you can sleep. And where you won't get hurt, haha." I told her.

"Mkay." And with that she fell back asleep. I could tell because she went limp in my arms again. Once we reached her room I looked around for a clear space on the floor. She needed a bed, or at least a mattress. We all did. So that's what we'll do tommorrow I decided. I sat her down gently and turned to leave when I tripped over some stuff I knocked out of the box earlier. I knelt down to see what I tripped over and saw it was a small white jewelry box. It's contents now spread on the floor. I began scooping things back inside of it when i noticed a small square piece of metal. It couldn't be. But it was. A thin sharp razor sat on the floor before me. The worst part was the blood on it looked fresh. I crawled over to Carter and shifted her arm slighty so her wrist could be seen. I removed her glove and there it was. Or they, I should say, since there were tons of them, covering her wrist and majority of her forearm. they weren't small either. they were long and deep. It took all I had in me not to wake her up and ask Why? Why would you do this? Don't you understand how important you are? How much you are loved? I didn't though. Instead I went over to the blade and grabbed it. I kissed Carter's forehead before walking out of her room and shutting the door behind me. i stood outside her door and stared at the small blood stained blade in my hand. The sight of her precious blood mingling with the metal brought tears to my eyes. I didn't even try to stop them. How did I not know? Well, I had only known her a few days. So I guess I couldn't really have known. But it didn't stop me from beating myself up over it. She was so young, so innocent. With so much life ahead of her! This destructive path she was on would not continue. As long as I had a say in it. And with that thought I went to my room and hid the blade from her.

I walked back downstairs to find Max and Craig in the kitchen.

"WOOO. GO CRAIG! GO CRAIG!" Max was cheering Craig on as he ate every morsel we had in the kitchen. They acted as if it were a race. Monte was still asleep face first into the carpet in front of the TV. Robert was just chilling on the floor in front of the couch. You would think he was sober until he had a laughing fit. He'd laugh really loudly with tears rolling down his face at anything and everything. then he would just stop for a while, then do it again. Weird.

I climbed onto the couch and stared at them wondering if I was this stupid when I'm drunk. I hoped not but I knew the answer was I am. I thought to myself "How could they be having so much fun when someone we all loved was in so much pain?"

The last thing I thought of before drifting into sweet oblivion was Carter, and if she'd be okay.

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