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1867 Angel 16 and ready to sing . Angel knew in her head she was ready , but also had to try out again for lead prima Dona . She had always dreamed of being the one and only prima Dona as her mother once was before she lost her a while back. Angel's mother had been killed because of the jealousy of the other women . She shall live as her mother did .... well without being killed of course. Angel wanted to do it for her mother . As she waits in line before they call her in to do a part of Faust  , she stretches and trys to relax so she won't be so uncomfortable when she gets in there . She of course was excited but mostly scared , frightened , sad . Angel was going to do this no matter how scared or sad, she missed her mother very much so she was going to make her self. The called her loud enough for everyone in back stage to look at Mrs. Liebe ( yes it's German for love) Angel was about to cry but Mrs Liebe looked at her and told her for the hundredth time but never got old "your mother and I were close friends and I know she would have Loved this " Mrs.Liebe took care of Angel since her mother died when she was 10 . Angel got on to the stage and looked at Mrs.Liebe and then the pianist and nodded . Angel closed her eyes and started to sing , it was beautiful and on the right pitches . She then forgot the managers and everyone around her and her voice became louder and more clear . Then the music stopped and she looked at everyone who had wide eyes . The silence broke and One of the managers said  "be back in the morning to start rehearsal early , you are very amazing madam". Angel gave them a smile and got off stage and got in to her dress and went home . As she skipped merrily home to wait for Mrs.Liebe she thought how happy her mother would be . And just remembering her mother's smile made her happy . She then heard footsteps and turned slowly around to see nothing . A sigh of relief escape from her mouth and turned back around to be greeted buy a man in the shadows . The figure didn't say anything but stared at her for quite a long time . He broke the silence and said good luck madam I shall see you tomorrow night " . She saw his cloak as he turned around and she continues to walk but a bit shaky. Angel walked the low dimmed lighted house and was greeted by Mrs.Liebe ." Hello dear your a bit late ."Angel jumped at her words "oh I'm sorry I was distracted by ....... the ...... the night ." She was just curious if she knew the man or not . Angel went to her room and undressed in to light pink corset with a light pink skirt that went down to her feet ,and a cover for her arms pink of course. Mrs Liebe knocked on her door before entering . She looked very concerned . "Love you don't look well " Mrs.Liebe said with a concern look , Angel did not say anything just looked out the window at the stars . Mrs.Liebe sighed and got up to the candle and lit it . Angel said something to Mrs.Liebe as she was about to leave " I saw a man but not any man , a man that had a voice of calming words and voice , a mysterious man who had been in the shadows, he was almost ....... almost .... hypnotic ." Not once looking at Mrs.Liebe , she looked confused and thought she knew who she was talking about but Mrs.Liebe did not say anything after all when her mother sang death was always there at the opera . She did not want to say anything to scare her and not sing . Mrs.Liebe sighed and said "goodnight sweet love you will need it for tomorrow." Mrs.Liebe was going to try her best to keep death away .

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