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All that bullshits for the birds , you ain't nothing but a vulture , always hoping for the worst , waiting for me to fuck up. You'll regret the day when I find another girl yeah. Who knows just what I need, she just knows what I mean , when I tell her keep it drama free. Chu chucking up the deuces. Told you that i'm leaving. Deuces.

I know you mad but so what , I miss you best of luck , now I'm throwing those deuces up. I'm on some new shit , i'm chucking my deuces up to her moving on to something better , better , better. No more trying to make it work.

- I hate liars , fuck love I'm tired of trying. My heart big but it beat quiet.

Wynter's Point Of View

Taylor : Gwarn Look At The News. She said with her mouth drop down like she had seen horror

April : Lawd Have Mercy.

Why Was Everyone Talking In A Yardie Accent ?

Me : What's going on ? I said with a posh accent so they would get the hit.

Taylor  : They're is some mad riot in tottenham because of a guy , some people are joining in and they don't even know what's going on. She kissed her teeth.

Christine : Madness.

Me : Huh.

April : Luv your so slow.

Me : Hush it. I smiled at her to point out it was a joke.

Taylor : Basically , some guy shot a police but it hit his radio ting , then the popo shot the guy in the head so now he's dead. But he was a proper hardcore gangster. She turned into a yardie accent again.

Then people started protesting normally init , then the young people of today also the people who are mad at the community jumped it in as well and turned di ting into a riot. 

Christine : I'm getting mad broadcasts like.

April : Trust same , I'm hearing girls are stealing weave. We all started laughing , I was on the floor in hysterics.

Taylor : Eee , people are going in mc d'z and making there own food.

Me : What type of chopidness.

Taylor : No morals.

All : Alie.

Me : They're acting like they won't get clocked too , there are helicopters which will clock them eventually.

They all nodded in agreement.

April : Never been so disappointed in black people.

Christine : They're not all black doe.

Me : Majority are , this don't make sense to me , this is why black people get stereotyped so much and afterwards all these hoodrats on the street complaining about 'because I'm black police want to search me. No it's because what you lot are doing to the black community. And this riot is not making it any better , this is just low and it's showing that black people have no morals. Martin Luther King and all the other people who fought for us did not go through all of that stress just to go threw this , we have finally got freedom after how many years of working for it and it did not come cheap , so why the hell are they tryna bring us back down again. When we have to start sitting at the back of the bus again I ain't saying shit.

Taylor : True words.

April : Deep.

Christine : But it's not only Black people doe !!

Me : They don't care about the rest its us they watching look how many Black young teenagers have been killed in these last few years.

Taylor : I understand some of them , down in Tottenham apparently they have buildings and flats which black people are not aloud to live in or go in.

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