Chapter Seven; What's happening to me!

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~x~x~LUNA P.O.V.~x~x~

"Ahhhh!" I wake up yelling as I feel this unexplainable pain run through my back as if someone was stabbing me and slowly bring the knife down while it was still in my flesh. I let out another blood curdling scream as I feel something rip out of my back.

"H-HELP!!" I screamed as loud as I could hoping someone would hear me. I dropped to the floor and tried to get myself up but this pain wasn't helping at all. 'What's happening to me!?'' Soon I heard the door slammed open and little footsteps ran to me.

"Luna! What's wrong!" Sally yelled worried.

I tried to look up but looked back down as I felt the same ripping feeling again but only ten times worst. I yelled every louder and let my body hit the floor. All I wanted was for it to stop but it wouldn't it only got worst.

"SLENDER!!" Sally yelled and hurried away

I tired to look up but looked back down once my the pain came back I screamed as my vision starts to blur and darkness takes over me.


As I sat in my office frustrated thinking about Luna and how I'm gonna tell her everything that has happened and the truth about her mother and I.

I look through some paper work that I was almost finished with when my office door opens and a frightened looking Sally runs up to me.

"HELP HER SHE WON'T STOP SCREAMING!!"she yelled as she ran to my desk. I looked at her confused.

"Child I'm really not in the mood for your little games go and bother EJ instead." I say as I look back at my paper work.

"No No No No!!! I'm not playing she's crying and screaming and theres so muxh blood!! SHE'S GONNA DIE!! LUNA IS GONNA DIE!" She yelled.

My head snapped up once I heard my daughters name come out of her lips. I didn't waist anytime on asking her what she was talking about and quickly teleported to Lunas room.

There she was covered in her own blood I slowly picked her up but stop as soon as I felt something under her I layed her on her bed and slowly turned her over. I couldn't believe what I was looking at.

"This can't be happening" I whispered.

Time skip
~x~Three hours later~x~

~x~LUNA P.O.V.~x~

I slowly opened my eyes but quickly closed them as a bright light hit my face. I put my hands on my face as I felt a huge headache coming. 'Ughh this sucks' I thought to myself.

I slowly sit up and look around. I wasn't in the room I was in before anymore. I was in the same room I woke up in when I got to this hell hole. I look on the table next to me to see a glass of water and some pills. I grab both of them and the glass of water and quickly drank them hoping it would take the headache away.

I stood up slowly and looked downat my bloody clothes. My eyes widen but then I remembered what happened when I woke up.

All the pain and and blood that came from my back. I lifted the hoodie I hade on and reach over my shoulder touching as much as my back as I could touch. Everything was fine...

I walk to the door trying my best not to fall and keep my balance since my legs were alittle numb.
I was surprised when the door opened. I got out and looked around. I sighed in relief when I saw that no one was in sight thank god.

I walked slowly out the door and turn around to slowly close it with out making a sound.

I turned and almost screamed once I was face to face with the one and only Jeff.

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