Demonic (Devin Sola Request)

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A Devin Sola Imagine

Word Count: 1,566

Warnings: smut

Author's Note: This imagine is for @meravlina - I hope this turned out how you wanted it to! Sorry for the wait. More requests will be published soon!

You walk through the entrance of the bar, your half black, half white hair curled to perfection. You were wearing your new septum piercing and your usual dark makeup. Your were wearing your sexy black corset top, along with a fluffy black skirt. You felt totally confident in yourself and your outfit, just like you always did. I mean, how could you not be confident? You were a demon, for God's sake!

You smirked as everyone's eyes caught on you as your dark figure walked up the the bar. You seemed to always catch loads on attention whenever you went out; you figured it was because of your appearance and demonic aura. Some people were instantly attracted to you, while others were instantly repulsed by you. Tonight it seemed as though you were going to have many admirers. Lucky for you.

Every full moon you had to feed off of a soul in order to survive. It was a difficult lifestyle at times, but usually you were able to trick someone into your grasp without problems. You did not have to kill, you only had to feed off of your victim for a short time. That basically entailed you luring them into a secluded place and getting what you needed. Whenever you fed off your victims, it would simply leave them passed out for a couple hours, then they would wake up just fine the next morning.

You looked around the bar for a potential victim. No one special caught your eye tonight, so you just sat and waited for someone to approach you. Soon a man walked up to the bar, sitting next to you. He ordered a drink, then turned to you for a moment. You couldn't help but gawk at his exterior appearance. He was also dressed in dark clothing, with dark eyes and a nice, muscular figure.

You smoothed out your skirt and fixed your hair, then sat still. You knew for sure that you wanted this man to be your victim tonight; he was sexy, almost the perfect embodiment of the man of your darkest, most erotic nightmares. You sip your drink, watching the man next to you. You thought about how to approach him, then other thoughts wandered into your mind.

You began to wonder how his smooth, pale skin would feel against yours. You thought about the possible pleasures tonight held and got quickly aroused. You felt yourself getting wet, eager to have your hands on this handsome man. Eventually you had finished your drink, feeling slightly intoxicated. You bit your lip and tapped on the man's shoulder.

He turns to you, giving you a small smile. His dark eyes stare into yours, completely focused. It felt as if the rest of the world slowly faded away, all of the noise growing quieter.

"Hello." The man says, his voice tantalizing.

"Hi." You say, smirking.

"What's a gorgeous woman like you doing at a bar alone?" He asks you.

"Just relaxing. What about you? I don't see a girlfriend anywhere." You reply.

"I don't have a girlfriend. I'm assuming you don't have a boyfriend, then?" He says.

"No, I'm single. I come here in the hopes of possibly meeting someone...captivating." You say.

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