Chapter Two

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A few days past. Three, to be correct, and there was another to come before they boarded their vessel. Apparently since Erik, Florence, and Meg had all fled from France by boat, it was a bit harder to get on without being spotted. Thankfully, Monroe had friends who were working a ship to America- old friends who owed him a favor. Monroe had explained that they would be shipping carriages to America to sell on this ship which was- for the most part- made for cargo and exports instead of passengers. Currently the carriages were being kept near the docks to await loading. Monroe's friends would sneak them into the carriages the next night to be loaded in the morning and from there supply them with food until the journeys end.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do any better," Monroe sighed, "But it's a guaranteed way into the States. A straight shot to New York."

"Monsieur, you have done more than enough for us," Madame Giry said to the old man, gratitude apparent in her voice. Stepping forward, she wrapped her arms around Monroe to hug him. "If not for you, I do not think I would able to take my ballerinas safely to their new life." It was a chosen life for them, and this was most likely the most uncomfortable way for them to achieve it... But the girls were loyal to their teacher and she had to go. A few had stayed behind in France, of course, ones from rich families who had most likely already had husbands handpicked for them. The rest though, the ones who planned to use ballet as their life career and who had little or no family left were here, gathered and stretching their legs.

"I could never leave a woman to fend for herself," Monroe replied sensibly, returning the hug. The two broke apart and Madame Giry smiled at the man.

"I owe you a great debt, Monsieur."

"Just make sure my son reaches his bride to be, Madame. That's all I ask."

"Of course, of course!" the Madame smiled, looking to where Olivier stood at her side in the dark night, "I will insure to deliver the young Monsieur to dear Florence. I have no doubt that the two will be very happy together." To this Olivier smiled as well.

"I do hope you are right, Madame Giry. I just wish to make Florence feel just as beautiful as she truly is."

"You get the charm from me, my boy," Monroe chuckled, Olivier laughing along. It was calm out in the open of the night. The small village had fallen into sleep and all that could be heard was the wind and the quiet conversations of the ballerinas.

And then shouting. Everyone tensed and the girls ran in a file back into the stables, Madame Giry following quickly after. Monroe was staring in the direction of the shouting as the stable hands began waking. In the distance, a dim glow had started.

"Get inside," Monroe told his son.


"Go! Now! Up in the loft," Monroe ordered as some of the stable hands to grab buckets. The voice was shouting 'fire' and soon a building I the distance was engulfed in flickering flames.

"What is happening?" Angela questioned in a soft voice as Olivier climbed up the ladder into the loft.

"A fire," Olivier told the group of girls, a few who winced at the thought.

"Will we be safe up here?" Madame Giry asked. It was known just how destructive fires could be.

"We are a good distance from the rest of the homes, but the well is close. The stable should be fine- we just need to stay hidden else we could be seen."

"If you are sure... Girls, it is best if we better hide ourselves like in the day. Speak softly, do not move too much..." And so those in the loft hid in the hay as they would during the light hours as people of the village filled buckets with water and ran towards the largest home in their midst- the deChangy Manor.


A/N: The long long long long long awaited update is here! I am so sorry it is not that long <3 I will try to make up for that later but this is something, yes? Again, I am really sorry for the long wait. I was going to write more once I started college but my first semester was much more of a rocky road than expected and not even because of classes. At the beginning of the semester I was engaged (that was a mistake in and of itself) and two months later a four year relationship went down in flames and my mental health was deteriorated. But I am much better now thanks to the lovely counseling services at my school and my wonderful friends and family.

Anyways~ I am back and ready to write! I am trying to update my other stories as well, and I am working on a few new-ish projects including my Sherlock Fanfic 'Who Misses Miss Molly?' Also- I know at one point I had a couple people asking about tumblr. I can be found at thatdork568 :3

Please please please tell me what you think! I will try my very best to update soon! 

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