Sunday Mornings

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You felt the sun beam on your face, and a strong arm around your waist. You cracked your (e/c) eyes open, and got used to the sunlight peeping into you and the Winchesters hotel room. You glanced behind yourself and saw a peacefully sleeping Dean. He smelled like leather, and that cologne he used. You enjoyed the smell very much. He was breathing calmly beside you. 'Easy as Sunday Morning' was softly playing on the radio next to you. You wanted to cherish this quiet moment. Dean looked younger than he is without all those frustrated creases in his face. You looked around yourself and saw Sammy sleeping in the bed next to yours. You slowly turned to face Dean, and give him a featherlight kiss on his nose. Dean scrunched his nose and his bright green eyes fluttered open. He smirked when he saw you in his AC/DC shirt and kissed your forehead.
"Morning beautiful." You whispered and Dean rolled his eyes.
"Trust me (Y/n), you're way more beautiful than I'll ever be, inside and out." Dean said, and rested his face on your shoulder, looking at you through those long, dark eyelashes. You giggled and kissed his cheek. You put your hand on his cheek, Dean leaning into your touch. Then, Dean moved his arm lower, and smacked your butt under the blankets. You yelped and glared at Dean. He gave you a cheesy smile and opened his muscular arms. You crawled into his warm embrace and sat there in the calming silence. Until a loud crash was heard. Dean looked up and saw an embarrassed Zophiel standing next to a giggling Castiel.
"He dared me to break a vase while you two had your cuddle time." Zoe whispered, and swiftly walked away towards the kitchen. Castiel cleared his throat.
"My apologies. I shall let you two continue whatever you were doing." Cas said, then exited the room to follow Zoe. You rolled your eyes and laid your head on Dean's hard chest. You kissed Dean's neck and looked up at him tiredly.
"Sunday mornings, amiright?"




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