Getting to know the Winchesters

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    You hated your "parents". You were adopted by two bitchy people that were lazy, and abused you. There was a junkyard a couple blocks away, and you always went there for comfort. An old man lived there, and he goes by the name Bobby. You liked Bobby. He had trained you to fight against the supernatural, and even told you how your real parents died. (Y/m/n) and (Y/d/n) (L/n) had died because of a Pagan God. They were used as sacrifices by demons. This had totally pissed you off, and made you want to get away from your "parents" even more.
  "(Y/n)! Get your lazy ass down here!" My stepfather yelled, and I rolled my eyes and stepped out of my room. He was on the couch, with a beer resting on his belly. My stepdad was 300 pounds, and he calls me lazy.
   "Yes?" I asked. "Give me the Cheetos." He yelled, and I went into the kitchen to find no Cheetos.
  "We don't have any." I yelled, and I could hear the rustle and the swearing of my stepdad. He came into the kitchen with a belt in his hand.
  "Then why don't you go to the store and buy some, god dammit!" He yelled, and lashed the belt onto the bare skin of my arm, then punched my face. I whimpered as I saw my stepmom come in with her 200 pound ass.
  "Because you grounded me from going outside!" I yelled, and my stepdad's face lit up with rage.
  "I don't give a damn! Up to your room! NOW!" I ran up to my room, trying to hide the tears until I cleared the stairs. When I got into my room, I shut and locked the door behind me. Then I let the tears come. I started to pack my bags.
  "I'm not coming back, you sons of a bitches." I whispered to myself as I stuffed the few things I had into a duffel bag. Then, I jumped out the window and curled into a ball to roll onto my feet. When I regained balance, I sprinted for Bobby's house.

      I slammed the door open to Bobby's house, tears still fresh on my face. There were two unfamiliar men sitting in Bobby's research room with him.
   "Woah, (Y/n)! What happened?" Bobby asked, and I ran towards him.
  "Dumbass parents again." I whimpered. I had forgotten that there were two men sitting over in a corner awkwardly. Bobby cleared his throat.
  "(Y/n), meet Sam and Dean." The men looked over at me and I gave them a nod. The taller one, Sam, smile and waved. The shorter one, which I'm guessing is Dean, smirked at me.
   "I ran away," I whispered, and Bobby nodded.
  "You can come with us, if you'd like," Dean piped up, and Sammy looked at him with eyebrows raised, and a small knowing smile on his face. I laughed nervously.
  "I barely know you guys..."
"Well, you can get to know us tonight, and leave with us tomorrow. It's your decision." Sam said, and Bobby nodded.
  "If she does go with you, you idjits better take care of her, or you've got Bobby on your asses," Bobby said, glaring at the boys. Dean held up his hands in surrender and Sammy nodded.
  "Fine, old man, fine."

   "So let's start with full names," I said, and looked at Sam and Dean. We were in a circle and Bobby was doing more research in the other room.
   "My name is Dean Winchester, and I'm this idiot's brother," Dean said, and I heard an angry, hey! from Sammy.
  "My name is Sam Winchester, and I'm not an idiot." Sam said, and glared at Dean. I laughed.
  "I'm (Y/n) (Y/l/n), and I am adopted by two fat, lazy idiots that don't do shit. But that's behind me now. I was the daughter of (Y/m/n) and (Y/d/n) (Y/l/n)," you said, and Sam's eyes widened.
  "Jeez, (Y/n)." I gave him a nod and looked up at Dean, who was surprisingly looking back at me.
  "Okay, next topic. Hobbies?" I asked.
  "I like to go to bars and diners-"
  "Dean, that's all you basically do. Besides pick up chicks," Sammy chuckled, and this made me laugh. "Let me continue Sammy! As I was saying, I like to go to bars, diners, and I love me some pie." Dean said, and smirked when I giggled.
  "I like to read books." Sammy said simply, and Dean rolled his eyes.
  "No dip, Sherlock," I said, "I like to (hobby) and (hobby)." You said, and Dean nodded.

     You and the Winchesters were talking about things all night, and that's when you decided that you would be safe with them, and the eldest Winchester. You had feelings for Dean, and maybe by chance, he had feelings for you too.

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