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3: take care of your body

7:42 PM
put a band aid on that cut so it will heal. wash your hair and put on some nice perfume. shave and put lotion on. preferably lilac or lavender... because it reminds me of you, anyway. light a candle to calm your brain; read a book to exercise it. eat a banana and drink some green tea or water.

5:13 AM
wake up. don't groan.put on a nice shirt and a jacket. make some coffee, (or more green tea), and go outside. breathe in the cold morning air. watch the sunrise. think about beginnings and light blue shades enveloping the navy sky. paint it with colored pencils. hang it up in your room. sleep in tomorrow, and wake up to your own sunrise.

3:49 AM

stop thinking about him. stop wasting your skin. stop crying over what happened.
just stop.
this is the end of the beginning.
you'll probably think of him tomorrow.
and the next day.
and then on.
but one day, you will rise to that beautiful scene on your ceiling and he will no longer exist. he will be buried in the catacombs in your past, and he won't come back.

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