New School

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Jacey entered Beacon Hills Highschool with her head held high and a notebook hanging in her arms. She ignored the stares she received as she made her way to the office. The office lady noticed her and gave a bright smile.

"Hello dear, you are?"

Jacey handed her the information sheet that her mum put together. The lady read it over before giving another smile and gave her back the papers.

"Let me just ring you up and the principle will take you to your first period. I hope you like Chemistry!" Jacey beamed at her strongest subject and hopped excitedly.

"Well, who do we have here?" The principle chuckled at her. Jacey smiled at him and handed the papers over again.

"Jacey Cole huh? Well its a pleasure to meet you Jacey. Come on, let's go to your classroom."

The principle was explaining the rules and such to Jacey as they walked down the hallways and finally reaching their destination.

"Here we are!" Principle Brown opened the door, stopping Mr. Harris' s lecture.

"Yes?" He snapped. Principle Brown smirked and gently pushed Jacey forward. She shyly waved at them and giggled as someone fell out of their seat.

"Mr. Stilinski! Control yourself!" Jacey turned amd smiled as she saw Scott and Stiles gaping at her. She waved at them before holding her hand out to shake with Mr. Harris.

"Mr. Harris, this is Jacey Cole. She is your new student. She also is selectively mute so please dont make her answer questions. Let her write them on the board." Prinicple Brown smiled at her one last time before leaving. Mr. Harris looked at the small girl in front of him and sneered.

"Go take a seat next to Mr. McCall." Jacey nodded and walked to the boys and sat down. She turned to see them still gaping at her.

What? She wrote down softly.

"You look very pretty." Scott muttered. Stiles nodded enthusiastically. Jacey gave a closed eye smile before opening her new notebook and started jotting down notes. Stiles looked down at her again. She was wearing a Black Butler Tee shirt and a necklace with a chibi version of Grell with his chainsaw, skinny jeans and black combat boots with a grey beanie. Her blue eyes sparkled as she concentrated on the science. He noticed the bracelet he gave her on her wrist and grinned goofily.

"Ms. Cole. Care to answer this question?" Mr. Harris hissed. Jacey blinked before nodding. She moved her way to the board and looked at the definition. She wrote something with the chalk before sitting back down.

"Im sorry to say Ms. Cole but you are wrong. The correct answer is-" Mr. Harris paused as he actually looked at her answer.

Hydrogen Bonding.

"You are...correct." Jacey grinned at him before scribbling into her notebook. Scott blinked at her before smiling lightly to himself. He found a new chemistry teacher.


Jacey skipped out of the classroom as the bell rang and hurried to her locker. Suddenly a familiar chirper voice caught her attention.

"Jacey?" Jacey turned to see Allison grinning at her. She took out her small white board.

Hi Allison

"Do you like Beacon Hills so far?"

Its pretty cool

"Jacey!!!!!" Said girl turned as Scott and Stiles thundered down the hallway. They skidded to a hault when they came close enough.

"What you did in Mr. Harris's room was amazing! No one has ever done that before!"

"Done what?" Allison asked.

"Render Mr. Harris speechless!" Allison laughed lightly and nodded.

"That is a big accomplishment." Jacey giggled and shook her head, pulling books out of her locker.

"What classes you have next?"


"What are you? Some.kind of genius or something?" Scott asked her cheekily. Jacey paused before nodding at him with a smirk and walking away with a final wave. Scott and Stiles gaped at her and Allison chuckled, before going to her locker.

"That girl sure is something."

"No kidding."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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