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So first off let me tell ya; I am terrible at "introducing" myself. Especially through text. So normal people I guess would say "Hi!" Yeah.. That sounds totally cool 😒. I'm new to Wattpad, or I should say I am a new writer on Wattpad. I haven't wrote anything before now and I honestly don't even know if it's good enough. So I've decided to just post the prologue and see what you all think. Would you like me to continue? I need your opinions!! And please don't be light on the criticism. Criticism is what I need --good or bad. Just don't be a disgusting Twat about it! So anway, here goes the Prologue for Forbidden..

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10 years earlier..

Clouds began to close in, signaling the start of something terrible. He began to run faster, ignoring the sharp pains that shot up each of his legs. He knew he was advancing quickly. Getting closer. Closer to her. But the closer he got, the farther away she seemed.

He tried not to panic. He knew panic would only make the journey harder. He would save her. His life depended on it. Depended on her.

After a strike of lightning, the loud sound of thunder rolled through the streets. Rain began to pour hard on his head. Fog began to form in front of him. His line of vision was slowly getting blocked. He could barley make out the white outline of the abandoned warehouse ahead.

His speed accellerated. Arms swung back and forth at his sides. The sight of the warehouse was diminished. He didnt stop. He was disoriented. The hope he had of finding her in time was fadeing.

He ran in the direction of where he last saw the building. As he got closer, he could again make out its shape.

His palms hit the building's structure. He felt around for a door, or entrance to get inside and his hand slid across what felt like a window frame. He bent down, and tried to lift the glass-- it wouldn't budge. He kicked the glass; Nothing. Kicked it again--Nothing. He cursed under is breath. Kicked again, again, again; The window rattled, and collapsed with one last kick.

He lowered his body through the window into the dark warehouse. The only light to guide him, was coming from the street light outside.

It was silent. He thought he was too late. He ran around the room looking for stairs, doors, other places she could be. He stumbled upon a staircase, and ran up them two at a time and reached another floor--It was small. He could see perfectly all around, and she wasnt there.

He took another staircase up, when he heard a loud pain filled scream behind him. He quickly headed backdown, his feet barely hitting the ground. A light now shined in the corner, exposing a tall silohouette

He ran and threw the figure into the opposite corner. The figure--who had bright red hair--quickly got to his feet and lunged for him. He moved, avoiding the blow, and turned quickly and grabbed the red headed male by the throat, lifting him off the ground, and shoved his back to the wall hard.

"Killing me wont save her," the redhead said with a coy smile, set on his lips. "You'll get what you deserve for putting her at harms risk though." He said quickly, and slammed his read head back on the wall. "Death is actually better than what I want to do to you right now." He said through clenched teeth and slammed his red head again, blood splattering behind him. "But it seems, I have other...Priorities." He eyed the cowering girl in the corner. He set his palm at the point of his chin and the other on the back of his neck.

The redhead let out a laugh that echoed through the room, that lacked all humor. "She'll never be safe a again a day in her life. You cant save her. Nobody can save her. Its just a matter of time." He said with an wicked grin. " Thats where your wrong," he said and snapped his neck, his body limped to the floor, and his redhead hit the ground with a thump.

He starred at his dead body, chest raising and lifting. He heard a quiet moan, behind him. He slowly turned and caught the girls eyes.

He slowly approached her, and she began to sink farther back into the corner.

"I wont hurt you," he said quietly. Her enduring blue eyes were filled with fear. Her cheeks wet from tears. "I wont hurt you," he repeated. She could barely make out his white face under the blackend hood.

As he got closer, her pulse got stronger. His eyes, charcoaled black, pierced into hers. She was scared, but his face was full of anger, but she didnt think it was towards her. She held her breath, as he took the final step towards her. "I'm here to help, not to hurt you." He said quietly. His voice, husky and deep, sent a strange vibe through her. Not a negative vibe, just one she couldn't quite understand. But this man didn't frighten her. He held out a hand to her, and she hesitated, before slowly slipping her palm into his.

She was on her feet, and she still held his hand. He rotated her hand, and revealed a deep slash across her wrist. She looked at the wound, and gasped quietly. He gently scanned his thumb acrossed it, and looked back at her face. She still was examining it. She was in shock. The slice was slowly disappearing, leaving nothing but a scar behind. She looked back at his face, and he gave her a faint smile.

He let go of her hand, and held his arms out. "May I?" He asked. She nodded, and he scooped her into his arms. He walked towards the stairs. She lifted her head , and looked at the still body lieing on the floor. She gasped in horror, and he gently pushed her head to his chest so she didnt have to look anymore.

Her vision was shielded by his chest, but she knew they were outside , when she felt the cold breeze hit her bare legs. She lifted her head and found him starring at her with worry. She opened her mouth to speak, but then shut it. The corners of his mouth raised into a small smile, and then he returned his attention forward. She looked forward, and her home came into view.

Her stomache fluttered with joy. She couldnt tell how long she has been gone. An hour? A day? Weeks? She couldnt remember much. He walked up the steps, and stepped into the house.

The house was dark, besides a lamp in the far corner of the living room. He climbed the stairs quietly but quickly, and entered her room. He shut the door behind them, and layed her on the bed. He pulled the comforter up, and draped it over her small body. She watched him curiously. She wondered who he was. He picked a stuffed animal off the floor, and set it next to her face. She grabbed it, and held it close, sending him a thank you smile.

He smiled. She was so young. She would never understand, he thought. He knew what he had to do. He sat on the edge of the bed, and brushed a curl off her face. He tucked the comforter around her body. He sighed and examined her infant face. He bent down, and gently kissed her forehead. His lips lingered on her skin. He pulled away a few inches. "I'll never let anyone hurt you," he whispered into her ear.

He looked into her big blue eyes, and slowly erased this night. His head filled with all her memories from earlier. He felt her emotions; shock, confusion, fear, hope, happiness. He detached his eyes from hers, when the last memory she had was when she received a kiss goodnight from her parents, and was tucked into bed.

She quickly fell asleep, her face showed no worries. He smiled, looked at her face one last time, and left through the door, knowing it was just the beginning for her.


SOOO!? Not completely awful right? I mean none of you wanted to pluck your eyeballs out with a silver fork I'm guessing. Or I'm hoping... But anyway, I know this was kind of short, but it also took me a heck of a lot of time to make it because I honestly didn't know where my story was going. But if it's liked, and anyone takes interest , then I promise I'll work on it more. And how about that cover? Is it alright for a first time Watty? A friend of mine made it.. but if it's not okay I will definitely take some of your suggestions. But again I'm jumping ahead!

So again tell me your opinions, criticize, rant your feelings, tell me about your extra toe, do whatever... Thanks 💕


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