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Heeeeello everyone! How is everyone doing? I just got home from vacation, and I worked on this update almost the whole trip, because I knew I had to get it done for you all! I really wasn't planning on doing an authors note, but I just wanted to let you guys know about the change I made.

As you can probably see, this chapter is called "Answers" instead of just "Chapter 10". I realized that I really like it when chapters have titles instead of just numbers, so I went through and named all of the previous chapters if you want to check them out, or not, it's up to you. But from now on, there will be real chapter titles!

Also if you could, if you haven't voted for all of my previous chapters, can you please go back and vote? Votes really matter on Wattpad, and since you're all still reading, you must like my book, so please just vote. I love you all.

Okay, I'll shut up now. . . Read on





Do you know that feeling when you wake up in the morning, and for the first five seconds you don't remember what day it is, or anything that has happened recently in your life? When you can't really even decipher how you feel-whether it's sick or happy, sad even-do you know that feeling?

Those five seconds the following morning weren't long enough.

Once I rolled over onto my back and blinked my eyes once, everything from the night before came flooding in.

The party. Ariane. David. The three men who grabbed me. The feeling of hopelessness when the trunk lid slammed shut, shielding me in darkness. The erupt jolt against the car. Grunts. The way my breath caught in my throat, and my heart nearly stopped from surprise as my eyes met Carters blue ones when he opened the trunk.

Carter, Carter, Carter...

As I replayed the images and sounds from last night, I still couldn't understand anything. Carter, who although withheld his strict demeanor, seemed so worried about me; about the people who were trying to hurt me.

"I'll protect you with my life."

I remember feeling a shiver dance across my skin, as I heard those words.

His gaze was so hard, words so strong.

I needed to know what he meant, why he was being so protective over me. A girl that he had only known, and merely spoke to, for five days.

I grabbed the pillow next to my head, and pushed it down over my face, muffling my scream.

I threw the pillow across the room, and shut my eyes with a sigh.

I threw my comforter off of my body, before swinging my legs off the side of the bed. Bringing a hand to my head, I gripped my hair as I glanced at the clock. 8:40 am.

I leaned my body over, my head hanging between my knees. It took me a few seconds for me to realize what the small silver object that was hanging in front of my face was. I took a hold of it, before leaning back up, swiping the hair out of my face.

I rubbed my thumb over the small intricate diamonds, which formed a tiny heart. My mother loved this necklace. She never seemed to take it off. For some reason, that night she went to work for the last time, she decided to leave it on her dresser. As if she were anticipating the events of that evening; as if she were leaving me a piece of her because she knew, I would need it.

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