Hooters Boys and First Days

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Hey people! So this authors note is not going to be very long, but I just want to say thank you for all the support you all have given me. It really means the world. Okay so here is chapter three of Forbidden...



Hooters Boys and First Days

I opened my eyes, and looked at the clock beside me. 11:45 a.m.? That couldn't be right. I checked my phones clock, and the same four numbers flashed back at me. No nightmare. "Unbelievable," I muttered to myself. I got up, and headed downstairs

A yellow sticky note was placed on the freezer door. I pulled it off and examined it.

Going to the grocery store, be back soon. -Dad.

I sighed of relief. Alone time. I made a quick bowl of cereal, and ate it on the couch. I then headed upstairs, took a quick shower, and dressed in my jeans from yesterday, and a white V-neck T-shirt. I paced around my room. What to do? I sat down at my desk, and fired up my laptop. I signed into my Facebook, and began reading my wall posts.

Jack: I can't believe you left me with Anna. She's going to kill me, and I won't have my protector anymore! What am I going to do for the rest of senior year! Oh the Agony.

I laughed, and read the next one.

Ashley: I hope you're happy! Leaving me here, with all these sick bastards. I thought we were in this for life! Traitor...But I still love you lots Em.

I smiled. Ashley was one of my closest friends.

Nick: I can't believe you're really gone. School is never going to be the same without you. Miami, will never be the same. I won't be able to walk to Physics anymore with you, and I'll be stuck with the creepy chick with the thick uni-brow as a partner...*EW* I really don't know what I am going to do without you. You mean so much to me. Is there any room in that house for me? Anyways, keep in touch Em.

I smiled. I never dated anyone at my old high school. I've had people who crushed on me, but I just wasn't really ready for a relationship. But Nick almost made me change my mind about dating, a lot in my life. Even in freshman year, he made me blush with just his smile from across the hall. I sighed, and read the rest of the post, which were from students I didn't really talk to. They mainly said things like "Hope you have a safe life," or "I'll miss seeing you around," and my all-time favorite "Emily right? Didn't even know you left".

I smiled, and shut the laptop. I really was going to miss the one place I fit in. I looked out the window at the backyard, and the blue water caught my eye. I shrugged, and got up searching my drawers for my swimsuit. I found my blue two piece, and quickly changed. I grabbed a towel, and headed to the back yard.

Once outside, I was grateful it was a warm day. I sat my towel on one of the chairs, took the ladder into the pool, and slowly, dived in. The water was cold, but I didn't care. Swimming is my favorite thing to do. It always calms my nerves and makes every shitty situation a little better. I've won many medals, from being on the Miami swim team. I wonder if Portland has a swim team.

I ignored the idea, and backstroked to the other side of the pool. I plan on keeping to myself this senior year. No extracurriculars. No partying. No boys. No distractions. I just want to graduate high school with a good enough GPA for me to go to a college in Miami. That's all I want. I swam back to the other side of the pool, and came up for air. I looked into the back door, to see if Izzy and Dad had returned yet, but I couldn't see any movement. I swam back to the other side, and came up gripping the pool wall. I heard a snapping of a branch coming from the woods, which made me swing my head in that direction. Nothing.

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