District 12: Female: Briar Duncain (UnicornPrincess15) (DEAD)

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Name: Briar Duncain

Gender: Female

District: 12

Age: 16

Appearance: Long black hair that's always getting in the way. She is rather slim, mostly because her entire district is starving. She has piercing dark blue eyes that get darker when she's angry. She isn't very tall, with her 5 feet 5 inches. She also has a few freckles across her nose and cheeks.

Background: Her little brother is her entire world, and she can't imagine life without him, expecially since both her parents are dead and he's the only family member she has left and vice versa. Being entered in the Hunger Games is something she's always dreaded because it means leaving him behind, and if she dies, leaving him alone with nobody to care for him. She's skilled with a bow, because she hunts in the woods out past the fence to keep her and her brother alive.

District Token: Her mother's wedding ring.

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