Round 2: Results

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These are the results for Round 2. There will be two judge's picks,  marked with an '*' by their names. The two with judge's  picks will recieve five extra points to their score. People who did not hand in entries will have -3 points taken off of their scores. The winner of immunity will be announced shortly.

Emmett Churchill- 11 TRAINING SCORE- 1

Ametrine "Aimee" Gairnéad- 18 TRAINING SCORE- 12

Serena McCray- -3 TRAINING SCORE- 1

James Malok- 9 TRAINING SCORE- 1

Mailee Chao- 20 TRAINING SCORE- 5

*Zale Cerek- 18 TRAINING SCORE- 9

Ashley Pitts- 18 TRAINING SCORE- 9

Nial Malok- -3

Cianna Fox- -3

Titus O'dore-  -1 TRAINING SCORE- 1

Gia Lasan- 2 TRAINING SCORE- 3

Julius Marshall- 24 TRAINING SCORE- 7

Amberlynn Dynlain- 20 TRAINING SCORE- 5

Astricy Wolden- 1 TRAINING SCORE- 1

Sam Tucker- 5 TRAINING SCORE- 1

Weson Hagred- 12 TRAINING SCORE- 7

Raeah- -3

Marcus Duncain- 26 TRAINING SCORE- 5

*Briar Duncain- 17 TRAINING SCORE- 8

Tributes Killed: 

Nial Malok

Cianna Fox


The winner of the immunity for the Bloodbath round is........................................... AMENTRINE! :D Congrats. You now have immunity in the bloodbath round! :D

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