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I felt the unnerving fear of necessity as I warily eyes the dull blade of the sword. The rusted metal reflected the dim glow of candlelight, emanating a gentle, almost comforting orange glow.

I relaxed my tense body the best I could and readjusted my tight grip on the hilt of the sword. Every move was controlled by my hesitation, contorted by my fears.

His meager existence is wretched, I painfully reminded myself. I may not want this, but it's a favor to the world and the bleak future.

I thought back to the past, when my innocence ran free and happy. It was painful at the least to remember how recently everything had occurred by the standard of time and the world itself. He came like a hurricane into my life–a beautiful disaster that left the helpless and bleeding on the ground, with my life and anything else I knew in shambles. And even still, upon remembering lot only the sad days but the days we spent blissfully together as if war and disease wasn't rampart in our region. I felt remorse in my broken heart. The very heart the was shattered with his own two bloody hands still felt sympathy towards his damaged soul.

My breath came in quick and shallow breaths from my anxiety and fear; I closed my eyes and took slow, deep breaths to calm myself down. He was the reason everything I loved was mercilessly destroyed before my eyes. He was the reason that the once beautiful and prosperous region was deep in bloody civil war, unrecognizable and damaged beyond repair. He was the reason the previous me that had once existed shattered, leaving what broken pieces were left to burrow deep into my body and harden into fossils as a remembrance of the old me. He made my life what it is now–a living hell; I suffered perpetually day after wretched day. Now I was forced underground by him because he framed me to be a wanted criminal.

Even he knew that he did not understand the magnitude of his actions, thought I knew it all too well. I planned to enact at least a small amount of reciprocation upon him by bestowing the ruin upon himself.

I opened my eyes slowly. I took a deep breath and let it out as a shaky sigh. He broke me.

I walked out of the room ever so slowly, ever so hesitantly. My head moved slowly, unsteadily, surveying the room presented before me. There he was, slouching in a chair in all his pitiful misery. He looked up at the sound of my footsteps, eyes instinctively wide in terror. I noticed how quickly they melted into a content gaze, indicating that he thought he was safe. Still, his eyes seemed piercing and bold, the bright gold color clouded by the pain of his past. I felt remorse once again, a melancholic sorrow that I couldn't shake. I could not move.

"What's with the sword, Silvy Poo?" His powerful voice echoed through the nearly empty home. My eyes widened; I had been lost in his eyes for a moment, drawn in by the memories reflected in them. Drawn into the eyes I despised. I tightened my grip of the sword.

The words spilled out of my mouth before I knew what I was saying. My true feelings poured out, displayed before Gold. "You stole my family, friends, and home away from me. Because of you, the act of surviving is a hell in itself, and I loathe you for that. You are the sole cause of the war, it's your fault that Johto separated and went as far as to declare civil war. I know that you don't understand just how negatively you've affected not only my life, but the world and the very course of history." My eyes glared straight through his broad frame.

He bolted up from the unstable chair, a creaking sound filling the air. He threw his hands up in a gesture of surrender. "Hey, this a joke, right? Something we'll look back and laugh about? The–the time you pretended to try to kill me, huh?" he laughed fearfully. "That's–that's funny, Silvy Wilvy..."

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