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The Raggedy Man

Whoosh, whoosh

I hear from the street,

Knowing what this means

I jump to my feet

A big blue box

And a raggedy man

Appear before me

Right where I stand

"Hello sweetie"

I hear from the box

Its River Song

With her bright golden locks

She shoots off the fez

On top of that Raggedy man

"Hey Fezzes are cool!"

She says "Not a chance"

They ask me for an adventure

I could hardly say no

Traveling in the TARDIS

Across the universe we go

We battle Daleks

And save the day

We see the end of the world

And hope to change that day

In and out of galaxies

To new planets we go

As we fly through the vortex

The Doctor yells "Geronimo!"

I've fallen in love with this raggedy man

A man with two hearts

As big as Gallifrey

No matter the parts,

He always stays the same

Throughout the generations

And the times he's changed

He'll always be my Doctor

He's never too far away

I'll never forget that strange man in the bow tie

Or the buzz of that sonic screwdriver,

No matter how hard I try

That big blue box

As blue as the sky

When it's sunny and clear,

Not once did I ask him why

Why he chose me

A small town girl

Who just wanted to escape

From her small scary world

I like to think he heard my wish

Oh the adventures we had in that box

I said "it's bigger on the inside"

He said "I get that a lot"

I'll never forget that TARDIS

With its cape of the deepest blue

How she would sing me to sleep

When I wanted to rest a few

Now that I'm getting old

I no longer can handle these trips

The adventures are far too hard on my heart

And impossible on my hips

One day he noticed I was getting weary

And with a sad smile he said

"I'll never forget you, nor the fun we had,

But it's time to take you home,

Shhh don't cry please don't be sad.

The TARDIS will always welcome you

No matter how old you get,

Now have a good life

And never forget."

He left just like he came,

With a whoosh and bang

Forget? I don't wish too nor do I think I can,

The love I have for River and the TARDIS

And most of all, my Raggedy Man.

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