Chapter 14: Lake

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Enjoy a self-made banner of Seravina and Theo on the side! Meh, don't judge me, I just clicked around random effects in Photoscape xD

Anyway, enjoy!


“Okay, listen up!” a dark-haired guy clapped his hand once to get the attention of a group of teenagers who just finished practicing on stage. He looked at them one by one, as if he knew each thing they did right and wrong when they performed. “That was good. I just need more energy. More… heart. I don’t want you guys to rely on the loud music or the breakdancers to make this performance something epic.”

“Please. That’s what we’ve been doing all year long,” a redhead who was standing in front of the group scoffed. She was catching her breath after doing a solo for an upbeat song. Her coach glared at her.

“Well now you guys have me. Things will be different,” he scolded, shutting her up in an instant. “Performance—like life—has no catechism. The best way to be a performer is to picture yourself as an audience. What do you want to see? What are you anticipating? You create those questions in your mind; you generate the answers through your performance. Got it?”

“Got it,” the tired teenagers mumbled under their breath. Clearly, they were motivated—if not, intimidated—by this new coach of theirs. He was different. His determination, tan skin and intriguing accent signalled that he was too big for settling in that town. But since day one, nobody knew how he arrived.

Or, what he was looking for.

But the redhead did not seem impressed. She snatched her bag and went down the stage.

“Vidia—wait,” her coach called out.


“Make sure to polish that song as much as you can. Next week, we will have visitors from our rival in the competition. St. Salvatore High. Now I want you to be hospitable when they come. Find out as much as you can about them.”

“Piece of cake,” Vidia shrugged before leaving the auditorium. She noticed that strange change in her coach’s voice as he said St. Salvatore High. He had always been mysterious. Vidia knew he was up to something.

She just did not know what.


They say you’ll know, when you really find the one

But it’s hard to tell, with the damage that’s been done...

But I’d like to say that it’s your fault, but I know better

‘Cause I’m a fool to think you’ll wait around forever...

The dark-haired guy turned his door knob and entered the crampy flat that had been his home for a few months now. He ran his index finger through his temple, hoping it would somehow calm himself down from the insane news he just found out.

His best friend… Dead?

Now what?

Why did all the expectations and hopes he brought to Louisiana suddenly seem so vague and useless?


“I’ll just cut the crap,” Theo fidgeted on the driver seat, making it obvious that his two hands were sweaty. “Please just give me a second.”

Seravina could not help but giggle. Clearly it was the first time for her to see someone like Theo act all nervous and tense. “Just, where are we going? Gregoria will go all god-like rage on you if you send me home late. I still need rest.”

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