Chapter 9: Park

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So I decided to dedicate this chapter to one of my readers, @Marieshadonna. Hope you're still enjoying the story so far :)

“Ria? It’s been a long time since you last called! What’s up?”

Anthony’s usual cheerful voice pierced Gregoria’s heart just like that. How could she tell him about this? But he should know…

“Thony—I gotta tell you something.”

“What’s wrong?” For no reason, a drop of cold sweat rolled on the side of Anthony’s forehead. This was just not right. Gregoria was always the fiery, talkative type on the phone. He heard her sigh over the line.

“Anthony… Vina—she’s hospitalized. She’s…”

God, no…

“The doctors said she wouldn’t make it until the end of this week if we can’t find a donor,” Gregoria bursted into tears. “You gotta come. She needs you. You know how psychology can defeat physiology? If you’re here, she might be stronger…”

“I’m going there,” Anthony said without much thinking.

“Now?” Gregoria gasped.

“Now,” Anthony’s voice started fading, as if he was moving around quickly. “I’ll pack up. Dad’s in Alberquerque for a meeting, but I’ll tell him too. Don’t worry, okay? And Ria? Make sure you’re always by your phone, or if you’re going somewhere, hand it over to someone there. I’ll call you when I arrive so someone can fetch me. I don’t know the first thing about Port Allen.”

“O-okay,” Gregoria blew her bangs as Anthony hung up. She could easily picture him, rushing and packing and getting the fastest ticket to Louisiana to meet his beloved little sister. That was just so Anthony.


“Anthony will be here!” Gregoria announced to the little crowd flooding the hospital corridor. Seravina’s mother could finally smile. “Really? What a relief—Seravina will feel so much better…”

“Yeah, and William is being informed too,” Gregoria referred to her cousins’ father. “I better tell Seravina now—“

“What? Don’t,” out of the blue, Theo cut her words. Gregoria stared at him. “Why not, Theo?”

“Well…” Theo shrugged. “Won’t it be better if Anthony arrives and makes his own surprise? She’ll be so happy.”


Nothing but the cold…

The fierce wind blew through the night. Its strength swept some fallen auburn leaves to surround Seravina’s feet as she sat alone in that park. Hugging her arms tightly, she tried to find warmth in between her striped nightgown.

She couldn’t. The weather had defeated her, chilling the deepest part of her bones. Pushing her to crouch in the edge of despair, just thinking how numb it would feel to escape all the pain that crushed her.

If only she could run away from all this pain that enlaced her...

A hegira from reality. It would be nice, wouldn't it?

If she gave up, she would finally be free...

Seravina turned her head as she heard footsteps approaching her. The next second, Theo was already sitting beside her on the park bench. His breathing was calm, in the rhythm of an old fountain in the middle of the park. He chuckled.

“What are you doing here, in the cold? You need rest,” he sighed, wrapping Seravina’s thin shoulders with his black and gray-striped jacket.

“I just need some air,” Seravina replied in a weak voice. “I’m sick of being there, you know? I just wanna run away...”

If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?

If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?

If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?

If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all?

“You still need all that breathing assistance stuff,” Theo scratched his hair, worried. “Come back in. You’re safer there.”

“There’s no use,” Seravina looked away from him. “I won’t heal again, will I? I can’t take the pain, Theo… I guess it’s better if I go—and...“

“Hey!” Theo stopped her. He took her hand and clutched it tight. “Stop with all this depression bullshit, will you? I don’t want to see you… leave me. And you won’t, I swear. You’re really pushing me to say it in your face… I love you. I really do. I don’t want you to go…”

I'll never know what the future brings,

But I know you're here with me now…

We’ll make it through, and I hope you are the one I share my life with…

“When will you get that I’m not into you?” Seravina rolled her eyes. “You’re wasting your time here. Forget it.”

“Stop fooling yourself!” Theo cupped Seravina’s chin and forced her to face him. He stared intensely into her green eyes, as if he knew the truth that lied within them. “Repeat what you said.”

“I…” Seravina closed her eyes to stop the tears that started to flow. She could not… She could not say that again in front of Theo.

“I’m not… a good liar, Theo,” Seravina sobbed. “I don’t know how much longer I can run from my heart…”

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand…

If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?

“Then stop,” Theo pleaded. “What does it take for you to stop running away from your own feelings? You can't have a hegira from the truth, Vina..."

“I can’t,” Seravina said. “It’s just… a promise. I’ve made a promise with my brother—“

“Anthony?” Theo’s body felt numb. He should have known. When Gregoria told him he would arrive—he just knew. Something was up between them. Seravina looked at him wistfully and dared herself to touch his lap. “You wouldn’t understand,” she whispered.

“But can’t you just break that promise for a night?” Theo almost sounded like he was begging. He closed his eyes and followed the sound in his head, leading him to take Seravina’s body in his arms. He reached her cold lips and touched it with his.

Seravina froze when she realized that it was a kiss—and a hug—but then the walls of fear that blinded her melted and she kissed Theo back, pulling him closer. It was as if the darkness that blanketed the park was cast away by the sparks that ignited between them as they embraced tighter, longer.

Is there any way that I could stay… in your arms?

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