Chapter One:

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  • Dedicated to Kayly Muniz

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        Everyday life was boring to me, like I'm not really living. Like I'm in some sort of survival mode. Only wanting to make it through one day. I didn’t want my life to be like that I wanted my life to BE something!  I had a lot of friends but it was just me and my mom. My dad had died when I was very young and my grandparents years later. My mother, Marci was almost never around and it seemed that my life was completely normal, not that that was the problem, the problem was that I didn’t go out of my way to become something. Sure I had good grades and played a few sports but not matter what I did I didn’t feel like I was living up to my full potential.  I let out a sigh and lifted the coffee cup up to my lips and took a big gulp letting the hot liquid go down my throat and sooth me.

        I walked up the large stair case and into the “Family room” I went straight to the sliding glass door, and while I was gazing at the giant field me and my friends had wander in I decided that I didn’t want to just take up space, harsh I know but the truth was that I had hopes for my life and now as I was facing the truth I didn’t see that happening any time soon.

         And as I was plotting my demise I saw movement in the thick brush, I squinted to see past the thick fog and misty weather of Oregon. I still hardly saw big porcelain arms stretch to the ground scraping at the dew covered ground. Cold seized over my body and at that moment I understood the expression “blood turns to ice.” I had many thoughts running ramped in my mind and decided that this was my “moment” my time to “shine.”

        I quickly unlocked the door and through my coffee cup somewhere and ran into the field. It was around six or seven and I knew that I was going to be late to West Salem High School but I didn’t care not if I helped someone out. I barely could see my feet the way the fog covered the ground and dew covers spider webs making them easy to see. I found my hands twisted in limbs, I muttered curse words but kept moving feeling the adrenaline running thick in my veins.  No sooner did I untangle my hands that I felt my legs hit something, it sent me flying through the air and as I braces myself for the fall… it never came I was caught in the air. But it wasn’t by a tree or anything logical; I saw huge pale hands that had my legs gripped together, holding me in the air. I felt the blood run to my head and felt the need to scream but felt it too hard to breath.

        “Let me go.” I yelled trying to slow my breath and keep my heart in my chest.

        “Young child what are you doing in the forest?” that is not where children should be.” His voice was thick and smothered with an accent I couldn’t desifyer it sounded old and ancient.

        “Im not a child im seventeen and why are YOU in the forest that’s not where ADULTS are suppose to be.” My temper always had gotten me in trouble, but I couldn’t help it if I was going to die I would go out with a bang!

        “Child that is no concern to you and you ARE a child compared to ME.”  He dropped me and I landed on the trunk of a tree, I patted my clothes off and started screaming and cursing. He came close to me and I saw my own life just vanish, and my voice closed up stopping my screams. He had red eyes and brown short hair, he also had fangs and they were bared at me I shudder under his hard gaze and deathly fangs.

        “What ARE you?” I asked in a small voice almost about to repeat myself only louder when the man answered.

        “My name is Ivokash Katio and im going to kill you.” For some reason I didn’t want that and my bottom lip started to quiver uncontrollable.

        “Why?” I asked saying it louder and looking up at him trying to conceal my fear.

        “Because that is what my race does, we kill are prey.” His red eyes came closer and I swallowed and never broke the gaze. Then like a miracle his eyes changed, the hunter like look was gone and replaced with an almost normal one, his eyes went from red to a brownish grey color and his fangs retracted.

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