Chapter 12

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Mitch's P.O.V

"Y-you, who are you?" I asked as I tried to sound demanding, but I now I stuttered at the start.

"Oh Mitchy, don't you remember me? Oh looking at your scar should help remind you." He replied with a smirk on his face.

My scar? I have a scar on my back from long ago. It brings back bad memories. I would get rid of it if I could.


"Mommy! Look at this!" I yelled as I swung my wooden sword at the dummy.

"You're doing great son!" My mom was cooking as my dad taught me how to fight.

"That's my boy! Come one Mitch!"

I was having so much fun, then suddenly, I smelt smoke.

"Mitch!" I heard my mom yell at me. She was out of the house running towards me. I didn't know why until I felt a sword pierce my back.

I yelled.

I turned around and saw a teenage boy with glowing purple eyes. Then he disappeared.

"Mitch! I want you to run! Run as far away as you can!" My dad ordered.


"I'm so sorry Mitch, go." My mom said that as tears stained her eyes.

I need to run. I looked for the last time towards my home.

My dad was fighting with a man with dark purple eyes. While my mom tried to hold back the teenager that cut my back.

The 2 attackers seemed a lot like each other. They must be father and son.

After that thought, I ran. I ran as far as my feet would carry me. Finally after what seemed like hours but was probably a few minutes, the blood loss started to kick in.

My back felt like it was in lava.

I crashed towards the ground. The last thing I saw is a bacca peaking out for the trees.

Flashback End

Wait, he's one of the attackers. He killed my mom, my dad and I don't know where my siblings are. The only reason I survived was because Jerome found me that day.

Soon, my fear turned to anger. He killed my parents, separated me from my siblings and made my life a total hell!

"You! How dare you! You killed my family and you're brave enough to come back and finish the job!"

I am so angry! If I could go over there and snap his neck, I would.

"Oh Mitchy, don't be so mad. I'm just trying to help you rejoin your family. Is that really suck a big crime?"

He looked so confident, but over confidence leads to under estimating your opponents which is a big weakness.

"Why did you kill my family?"

My family was always kind to everyone. Why would they be a target for him?

"Oh you still don't know. How interesting. Well, I don't need to anwser your question, yet."

After he said that he created what seemed like a fire ball and through it at me. Since we were really close he teleported right after he through it. I on he other hand backed up a little just enough for the fire ball to hit the ground.

"I see, this is how you want to talk."

I said with a smirk starting to form.

"Yes, let's talk."

DG: Yay! New chapter! Next chapter is by missmatched123 check her out and stay tuned.

DG Signing Out

Okay I'm just gonna add a little part here DG if you don't mind. Missmatched talking here! Sorry for not updating this book for a long time!!! We're soooo sorry!!!! But we will try to get them updates out for this book and trying to balance with our own accounts. Stay tuned for more cause next chapter is written by me! (Let me just reread this book and try to remember everything about it) and check out DiamondGirlDG when you get the time! Bye guys! 😜

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