Chapter Twelve | Birthdays

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It was my dad's birthday today and as always, he took a day off to spend with the family. It would be a different kind of family this time. Mom and I already agreed to vacate the house ahead of time because of dad's surprise. I bounced on my toes again to contain my energy. I was dying from excitement because today, I would get the honour of reuniting two close, childhood friends.

I sent a quick text Ernie's way to make sure everything was running smoothly and thankfully, he quickly responded.

Whirling around, I began icing the homemade cake. It was good that my father was such a heavy sleeper or else none of this would have been possible. Delicately, I wrote Happy Birthday Dad on the top of rainbow vanilla cake. I was always amused when I made my dad his favourite cake because it was such a childish choice.

Ernie had perfect timing. Just as I was done setting up a tray of breakfast for my dad, he knocked softly on the door. I let him in with a whispered thank you. I grabbed the tray and led Ernie up the stairs to my parents' room.

I eased the door open to find my parents awake and chatting softly to each other. It was a side of my mother that I never saw so I couldn't help but pause when I saw her face light up in laughter. Sadness crept up because she never directed that look at me and it took more effort than I liked to push it away.

Happy thoughts today Celia, happy thoughts.

"Hey dad, mom," I greeted.

Both of parents faced me with matching smiles and I nearly dropped the tray in my shock. But I managed to muster up a smile at both of them. My mother raised a questioning eyebrow and I nodded back, discretely assuring her that Ernie was here as planned.

Obviously, I had to tell my mother about Ernie's visit so she could help stall my father if necessary. It seemed as if she'd done her job effectively. During the whole planning process, she'd been so distant that I was surprised by the warmth in her eyes. It was the warmth I'd been craving for so long. But I wasn't sure if it was directed at me.

I must have been standing awkwardly for too long without realizing since my dad's voice broke into my thoughts. I jumped, nearly dropping the tray again before walking over to my dad's bedside on unsteady feet.

"Here dad, happy birthday."

"Thanks honey." He sent a smile my way and accepted the food.

"Wait, dad, before you start. I've got a gift for you!" I said, a bit louder than necessary, to give Ernie the heads up. Hopefully, he could hear me from the other side of the door.

"Awww Celia, you know you didn't have to."

"This time, I did," I replied confidently. "This is the best gift you'll ever get. Besides our," I glanced at mom, "other gift."

This effectively grabbed his attention. He knew of the rocky relationship between my mother and I. My mother and I smiled mysteriously as I slowly pulled the bag off my wrist. A chuckle escaped me when I saw my dad's twitchy fingers. He was rather impatient when it came to surprises, something I'd inherited from him.

Ultimately, he all but grabbed the bag from my fingers and both my mother and I laughed at him unashamedly. We watched with bated breath as he unwrapped the tissue paper. He pulled out the worn case and I could see familiarity light up his face.

"How-" my dad gasped, tears brimming in his eyes as he opened it to reveal the coin.

Right on cue, Ernie himself walked in. My dad's surprise was so great, his jaw might as well have unhinged and dropped into the ground.

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