Chapter Twenty One | Finding Peace

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There was something infinitely scary about waking up to darkness, in a place surrounded by beeping and whirring machines. Soft, professional voices could be heard from distant places. A mix of friendly conversations and weeping seeped into my consciousness.

I sighed, keeping my eyes closed. I didn't want to wake up just yet. This... wherever it was, felt peaceful and once I woke up, I knew I'd restart the vicious cycle of life.

I knew I was in a hospital; the strong, familiar scent of disinfectant and sickness alerted me of that fact. I hated hospitals because Daniel was in one for much of his life. So why the hell was I here?

In my foggy haze, I struggled to recall what had sent me into this hellhole. Slowly, I remembered how I wiped out against the side boards while skating. That was a stupid mistake. I shouldn't have skated while I was in such a messed up condition.

Pushing that from my mind, I decided to finally muster up the strength to open up my eyes. It was difficult because of my heavy, crusty eyelids. But I managed. White, pristine walls blinded my eyes and I blinked rapidly, trying to clear up the spots that danced through my vision. When I could finally see properly, I was disappointed. Unlike most books, where the protagonist woke up surrounded by family and friends, I woke up to a cold, barren room.

No one was in here with me.

Thought too soon, I realized as the curtain parted.

My weary father peeked into the room. The moment our eyes met, he lit up and rushed over, pressing a button beside me.

"Hey sweetie, how are you doing?" he cooed, brushing some stray hairs to the side.

I opened my mouth to speak but let out a rough cough instead.

The door opened again and this time, my mother appeared.

Her stern face gave way to a motherly softness that I hadn't seen in a long time. Her hand flew up to her mouth as she rushed over.

"Celia..." she whispered, barely holding back tears as she stroked my face gently.

I smiled, leaning into her touch. She hadn't been like this since Daniel was alive. I think I might have missed this side of my mother more than I missed Daniel sometimes.

"Mom," I croaked out.

"Shhhhh honey, shhhhh," my mom hushed, taking one of my hands in two of hers. She discretely placed something in my hand. "I thought I lost you. James said there was so much blood."

"Head wounds always have more blood," I said, "Don't worry mom, I'm alright. I'm still right here."

"Why were you so stupid?" my mother asked harshly, placing my hand back beside me, "Why would you skate so recklessly?"

"I-I missed Daniel and I just wanted to forget. Skating usually helps me do that," I replied honestly, already missing the warmth of her hand.

The door flew open one more time and part of me hoped to see James.

But it was only the doctor.

"Nice you to join us Miss Celia!" he chirped.

"No problem," I replied with a somewhat forced smile.

I always found it awkward to try and match up with cheery strangers (particularly doctors and cashiers) when I wasn't feeling so cheery.

"How long have I been out?" I asked curiously.

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