Just imagine the lies

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Grace's POV:

I'm surfing the web until I was interrupted by my phone i looked at it and a smile grew on my face

it was my boyfriend Dylan asking if I can go over to his place tonight I replied and said sure. I was

so happy I couldn't wait until tonight I wanted to fan girl with someone so I went on my phone

pressed contacts I looked for my best friend's number I found it and clicked it and it began to ring

not to long from there a voice answered and said "hey, grace what's up?" I smiled and said "omg

you would never guessed what happened to me Harry" he asked "what happened?" I responded

"Dylan what's to hang out tonight omg" there was silence and I asked "Harry, are you there?" he

said "yup, I just thought---never mind forget it---that's great" in my mind I know something was

wrong with Harry but I didn't want to ask its probably because I'm going to hang with my

boyfriend rather then with him. I spoke "Harry, um I got to get ready soon so catch you later?"

Harry spoke sadly "i guess" and hung up. I wanted to end the call because Harry was acting weird

ever since I was going out with Dylan, I took my mind of Harry and started to get ready I finished

and it turned out I finished a bit early so I went on my computer and surfed the web some more I

was interrupted again by my phone the same way as earlier so I looked at it the only difference it

was Harry telling me to go over his place he has a bad stomachache. I did what a best friend would

do I went over. when I got there Harry opened the door and I went right in and asked "how are

you feeling?" he spoke "not great but a little bit better now that your here" I gave him a comforting

hug and he hugged back I made my way to the couch Harry followed me and laid down putting his

head on my lap I played with his curly hair and rubbed his stomach he moaned in pain and I

apologized and took my hand off I was beginning to look at his face and he didn't look sick at all

so I had to prove he wasn't sick I tickled him and he bursted out laughing instead of moaning in

pain I looked deep into his green orbs and spoke "Harry, you lied to me, you got me all worried,

now I'm late for my date" I said with anger. Harry looked at me and said "who cares about that

dumb-fucker anyways?" "HARRY!" I yelled informing him he is out of character. Harry stood

silent I spoke again "you might not like him but I do a lot I might even be in lo....." Harry cut me

off and yelled "BUT MAYBE I LIKE YOU!? I looked at Harry with shock and asked "what?" he

spoke shyly "Grace, I like you, I can't stand the fact you and Dylan are a thing, I wanted you to be

no ones but mine, I like you so much Grace, you might not feel the same way but....." I cut him off

by planting a sweet kiss on his lips. He blushed and asked "do you feel the same?" I couldn't lie so

I nodded my head and placed my head on his shoulder. That was the night his feelings for me and

my feelings for him were out I always wanted to tell Harry how I felt but I always thought he

wouldn't feel the same I guess that we were both wrong.



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