Just imagine baking with him

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Lauren's POV:

I was hanging out with my boyfriend Louis aka my boo bear or Lou and his 4 best mates Harry,

Liam, Niall, and Zayn. we were all watching t.v in the living room all interested in the show but we

were later interrupted by Niall's famous line "I'm hungry" "when aren't you Niall" I spoke making

everyone laugh out loud. Harry spoke "I would like some warm soft cookies" I laughed at how

serious he said that. Harry looked at me and spoke "what's so funny I'm serious" "I know you are

that's what makes it funny" I said. I then got up to go to the kitchen to get some cookies but it

turned out there wasn't any I then made my way to the living room again and Lou spoke "what's

wrong, love" "there aren't anymore cookies, and I swear there were some last night I don't know

what happened to them" everyone then looked a Niall knowing he took them. Niall spoke "fine, I

took them sorry its not my fault I like cookies" " and everything edible" Liam said making me

laugh. Lou took my hand and said "well we can always make some" I smiled and agreed we made

our way to the kitchen. I took out all the ingredients and put them on the counter Lou then took

out a big bowl and put it on his head and started making weird noises making me laugh at my silly

boyfriend "there is that beautiful laugh I wanted to hear" Lou said I blushed and just kept on

laughing "well....that was fun, but let's get to work" I said I opened the flour and sugar "your such

a helping assistant" Lou said I looked at him "your the assistant here" I said "nope, you are" he

said "Lou, babe you can't cook" I said "I can so!" he yelled throwing flour on me "Louis William

Tomlinson, you did not just do that" I grabbed a hand full of flour and throw it successfully

aiming his face "Lauren" Lou said within minutes we were covered in flour and chasing each other

"well well well.......look at what we have here" Niall interrupted "it was him!"I said pointing at Lou

"no, it was her!" he said pointing at me "you guys were meant to be" Niall said laughing making

me blush I faced Lou and said "sorry, Lou" "its okay babe but come here" he said as i then

followed his command "yeah" I said "you have some flour on you lips" he said. I tried taking it off

with my hand " don't worry I got it" Lou said leaning in and kissing me, at that moment I thought

about how corney he was but his cuteness overpowered it making me love him even more.



okay so I have two announcements first, I want to thank you guys so much for reading, voting, or commenting on my book I have 245 reads 46 votes and 5 comments this "might not mean that much to you be to me it's everything" ironic how I said that and it's a lyric Louis sings in truly, madly, deeply lml directioner jokes ^.^

Anyways second, I have been asked to be co-writer in this amazing book called

The Run-away Girl (Harry Styles fan-fiction) so I would like for you, my lovely readers reading this to please read this book. Um you might not find it by the name so you can just search it by the username Melissaisaawesome yeah so just copy and paste it and...........

Don't forget to comment and tell your friends to read.


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