Just imagine him being in a band

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Allison's POV:

It was 5 in the afternoon and I was in the living room studying for a big exam, loud screaming

filled my ears making me jump a little I then turn my head to the source and begin to speak

"why?" my sister lacy, then spoke "omgomgomgomgomg, one direction is in town

omgomgomgomgomg I need to go see them, but mom wouldn't let me go alone" she looked down

in sadness but not to long from there she looked at me with a puppy face "nope not going to

happen lacy not in a million years" lacy then ran up to her room in a angry manner. I thought

myself "why do people fangirl over these band like seriously they don't look at you as a special

person they classify you like every other person they come across FANATICS" I never actually

knew anything about this band called one direction but the fact they had a hit song or something

like that, I don't know what they look like or anything I just know they are some boy band my

sister is obsessed with. I didn't want to think about lacy or her annoying little band crush so I just

stuck to my studying, I studied and studied then took a break I looked at the clock and it was now

10pm and I was getting sleepy so I decided to go to Starbucks I went to lacy's room and asked if

she wanted anything she said she wanted me to leave her alone so I did I made my way downstairs

took my car keys and left the house. I finally reached my destination when I got there it was quite

empty there was only a lady in line I walked up to the line and waited for the casher to call me she

did and I ordered what I wanted and took a sit at one if the tables. Then a group of 5 boys come in

and they scanned the room and spotted me they then whispered something to each other and

entered the store. I then wondered what they were saying but I got detracted when they began to

take pictures of themselves making me shake my head. I looked down at my textbook and tried to

study but one of the boys came up to my table and sat down I looked up and he began to talk "ello,

I'm Louis" I noticed his accent and thought it was pretty cute "hello, I'm Allison" I said "that's

weird your not freaking out" he said. I gave him a confused face and said "what do you want?" he

then spoke "to know you, I know I just met you but I think your really pretty *he pointed at my

text book* and I bet your smart too" I blushed "thanks, your not so bad yourself" he looked at me

and grabbed the pen in between my book and a napkin he began to write his phone number and

name in case I forgot it I guess and handed it to me while singing "so call me maybe" I laughed

and put it in my pocket. Louis left right after that with the rest of the boys so I decided to do the

same when I got home lacy came up to me and said "omgomgomgomgomg Allison did you got to

the Starbucks three blocks from here" "yeah, why?" I said confused "because,

Omgomgomgomgomg one direction was just there look" lacy said while showing me the picture. I

notice the familiar boys especially louis, It then made sense to me why louis was amazed how I

didn't freak out. I then went upstairs to my room, sat down by my bed and took out the napkin

Louis gave me and I blushed uncontrollable I couldn't believe someone from a famous boy band

wants to know me.



Happy 4th of July everyone I hoped you had a blast.

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