Chapter 3

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Ace sat next to me, his large leather rucksack on his back. He opened it up to reveal at least a weeks worth of food, if we rationed it, two spare change of clothes and a first aid kit. I saw the first aid kit and looked at him. He just shrugged and said "just in case." I had left Ace in charge of food and clothing while I was in charge of mapping and weapons. I knew the forest best out of my family. I spent my earlier years in a den I made out of sticks, leaves and various shrubbery propped up against an elderly silver birch. There was a small gap in the fence which I was small enough to fit through. I was naturally small for my age but it was probably because of the lack of food. I never really got along with the other kids in the square. I was just different, in looks, in personality and in opinions. I remember we got asked to draw a picture who we look up to during a club at the shoddy town hall. Most kids did their eldest sister or brother, there were some who looked up to the mayor but me? I looked up to young rebellious Reece who protested against the Power to get us freedom. She was killed for this but before she was shot through the heart she created the Truthseekers.
I ,of course, was frowned upon and given a mighty telling off but it didn't change what I thought. My brothers and sisters never understand what I see in today's society. I know why are parents are taken away when the eldest child turns 16. Oh boy do I know. K found my mothers journal under the dresser in her dusty bedroom. The last page was dated a week after Nathaniel's 16th birthday. It read:
"Tonight they take us away to be slaughtered. We shall be erased from history because we are poor. From square seven onward you are killed when you eldest child turns 16. What kind of human being is sick enough to do this? I shall die in silence. I will not cry out, I will look that Killer in the eye and watch the bullet end my life for I will not be weak."
My own Mother, killed because we were poor. I cannot see how my siblings can just stand back and watch as our world collapses in on itself.
I heard a twig snap behind us and I whisked round to see a brown bear. My hand slowly slipped into my pocket where I kept my penknife. I held it out in front of me and watched as the bear cocked its head. Its large hazel eyes stared into my icey blue ones. The beast went stood up, towering over us. The silence was painful, the only noise of Ace's heavy breathing beside me. Suddenly the silence was shattered by the sound of a gunshot. It wasn't far away. We heard the shouts of several men approaching. The bear ran in the opposite direction to the men while Ace and I stood there frozen. My brain was screaming at me but I couldn't move. I grabbed Aces hand and threw myself into the bushes lying flat on my belly. Ace was next to me, pressed onto floor, holding his breath. Then the four men came round the corner, guns in their hand. I watched through a small gap in the leaves. A tall man strode forward inhaling deeply through his nose, as if he was sniffing the air.
He had dark hair and a cap placed nearly atop his head. He wore a crisp white shirt, a beige patterned waistcoat, a pair of black trousers and spotless knee high boots. He held a pistol in his right hand. The three men at the back were hunched over, two were holding large rifles while the other held an oil lamp. They were all wearing black clothes with black hats pulled down nearly over there eyes.
The man holding the oil lamp spoke up but was still rather quiet.
"S-s-sir. It getting rather late. Miss Balmward will be worrying herself dearly." The tall man shot round and walked towards the other men, leering over them, making them look insignificant. He looked down his nose at them all and gave a brief nod of his head.
Once they had disappeared out of sight I let out a long shaky breath. I slowly pushed myself up brushing the dirt from my clothes. Ace shook his head.
"Hunters. Barmy if you ask me." He said quietly.
He stayed lying down but he had rolled onto his back. I lay next to him staring at the stars. I felt my eyes become heavy and before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep under the light of a thousand stars like tiny glow worms lighting up the dark night.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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