I woke up dizzy, I didn't know what was going on. I had a terrible headache and the room was spinning.
I laid my head against the pillow and closed my eyes, once again I tried to open my eyes and look at the room, this time it wasn't spinning, it was stable.
I looked around, the room was small, it was blue and had a glass door with closed white curtains, there was a small bathroom and all I saw was a TV, a couch and a small table with food in it, on my left side there was a night stand with a telephone, paper, pen and some flowers. On my right side there was a monitor that indicated my heart rate, tubes and machines that indicated lots of things I don't know what they are.
I looked down and saw the white sheets covering my legs and part of my thorax, I looked at my right arm and I had a tube wired to it, I guess it was whey or something like that. My other arm that held an "EMINƎM" wrist band was aching, I felt like my veins where about to explode. I looked down to my feet and noticed they where tighten to the bed, I tried to release my feet but I couldn't.
From the window I couldn't see much, all I could see was a bunch of people walking by and nodding at each other.
I saw a wire with a red button and started pushing it anxiously.
-Good morning sunshine- I heard a voice coming from the door. A nice lady with a pink robe came into my room. -How are you feeling today? Did you get enough sleep? Oh!-She laughed.- What am I even saying?
-I've a headache. Wow! I don't even remember the last time I was awake! It felt like forever. Where am I anyways?
-Wait, what?- The nurse asked worried.
-Where am I? - I asked
-No, no what did you say before that?
-That I don't remember the last time I was awake?
-Yes. Umm excuse me for a minute. - She said as she turned her back on me and left the bedroom.
Minutes later a nice old man came into my room, he was tall and had grey hair and a white mustache, he must've being about 56 years old.
-Hello, how are you feeling today?- He asked in a low voice.
-Where am I?
-Do you remember your name?
-Yes- I stopped to think a few seconds. -Jad...- I said weakly. -Jadee.
-Great, do you know how old you are, Jadee?
-twenty four?- I asked
-Yes, you just turned twenty four yesterday.
-Oh- I said surprised. -Where am I?
-You're in Saint Anthony Hospital, here, in Chicago.
-Chicago? What am I doing in Chicago?- I asked as I tried to sit in the bed but the laces on my ankles wouldn't allow me to. -And what is all this?- I asked annoyed.
-You don't remember what happened?- The doctor asked worried.
-No, all I remember is waking up here.
-Oh that's not good at all!
-Why?- I asked trying to pull the tubes out of my veins.
-You've to stop that or you'll hurt yourself.
-No, get me out of here, now!
-I'm afraid I can't do that.
-Why not? Let me go!- I said as I pulled the laces off my ankles.- Take this off my feet and let me go.
-Jadee, wait. We can't let you go because you are in treatment.- The doctor said trying to calm me down.
-Treatment? What treatment? Does Katy... Where's Katyenka?
-Katyenka? Who's Katyenka, Jadee?-The doctor asked as he did sings to the nurses so they would come into my room.
-Katy, where is she?- I said as one of the nurses pulled my aching arm and put a needle against it.-No! Where's Katy? You gotta let me see her, you can't do this.- I said as I pushed the nurse away from me.-Get off of me! Leave me alone you are crazy, let me...- I tried to finish the sentence but the sedative the nurse gave me started to kick in and I slept before I could realize it.
RandomJadee wakes up in a mental hospital without remembering anything about her past only the name of the girl that appears to be her girlfriend, Katyenka. As time goes by she tries to figure out what happened to her and Katy but soon enough she'll be fo...