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I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. I really hated getting up in the morning. And anyway, the noise of the alarm itself sounded like a dying seagull. I lay down for five more minutes of bliss, but was quickly interrupted by my dad.
I could hear his pounding feet as he got closer to my room. I jumped away from my warm sheets.
"Emma, didn't your alarm go off?" He said in his usual loud voice. His eyes were bloodshot, he was in a hangover. I quickly learnt not to mess with my dad when he was in hangover mode. He usually had three modes: Drunk, Hangover, and stressed.
"Yeah, I'm up now," I squeaked.
"Good." He limped back towards his own room.
I got ready for my day. I was super excited as I was going to wear the new top Felicity bought for my birthday. It was slightly cropped but had an amazing floral pattern on the front.
I walked in the kitchen for my breakfast. I got a banana out of the fruit bowl and some strawberries to make a smoothie.
"Emma!" Called dad.
I hurried to his room.
"Yes, dad?"
"You aren't wearing that slutty top."
You should never argue with him, so I didn't. I hung my head as I walked back to my room, cursing my dad under my breath. I flung on a boring old sweatshirt, ate my breakfast, said goodbye and got out of my house.
I stomped down the street in fury. I was looking forward to wearing that top so much, but right at the last minute, had to take it off.
I tugged at my itchy sweater and pulled up my jeans. I didn't even have time to do my hair up properly, it looked like a bird's nest.
My phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my jacket. It wasn't really a classy phone. Just a stupid Nokia brick. I used to have a samsung but my dad dropped it in the toilet once when he was having a go at me.
It was Felicity who texted me. She couldn't come to school today. I sighed. Great, now I had another problem to face, Sara. She was the school's most loved, popular, and pretty girl. I didn't even get how you could be all those things when you're downright mean. She made fun of everyone. Felicity for her glasses, me for my dyslexia, and on and on. I would have loved to make fun of her for a change, but there was nothing you could possibly fun of. It was alright when fliss (felicity) was there too, so we could stick together. Being two losers together is better than one alone.
I turned a corner on the streets and the first person I saw was.....Sara.
"Well well, if it isn't Emma Bummers. Why are you here, stutter-train? Mmm?" She said, giving me a poisonous smile, the sort of look a cobra would give you before attacking.
"Stutter-train" was one of her many nicknames for me. As well as bummers, squirt, etc. As you can see, she was a very kind girl.
"Leave me alone." I mumbled.
"Or what? You'll get mummy out of the grave and make her kill me?"
I flinched. How dare she talk about my mum like that. I continued walking while she laughed her silly head off. I bumped into the rest of her clique, who gave me cold stares before sashaying off. I didn't get how they could move so gracefully, given how much they were carrying. Michael Kors bags, Chanel shoes, Ray-Ban glasses and Burberry coats. Oh, and they must have been wearing at least four kilos of make up. They were all wearing litres of perfume.
" Nice sweater! Is your gran missing her curtains?" Yelled Sara. Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore. I whipped my head around.
"Shut your stupid mouth!" I screamed.
Everyone in the school froze. No one, I mean, no one, spoke to Sara Wilson that way. She stayed put for a second, her icy blue eyes piercing mine. Her cheeks were red, and her hands in a fist by her sides. I gulped. I was dead meat.

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