The sacrifice

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Adam's P.O.V.

We were getting out of the last room we had to check.Unfortunately it wasn't Douglas' office.Chase was still sleeping in my arms ,his head resting on my shoulder.I decided to go check on Bree and Leo.As I was walking through the hallway I saw a door opened.I went closer to the room when I heard someone talking.It wasn't Bree because the voice was deep but was deeper than Leo's too.That means only one thing.Douglas was in the room.

I was ready to leave when a higher voice was heard."You're not going to win Douglas".BREE???"Actually I am.Once I turn Chase back to his age and activate your Triton App you will be mine"Douglas said."Now give us the Agearator""No way"Leo said."Oh yeah ?And who's going to stop us ?"Krane asked."I'm more powerful than you two together".

I laid Chase on the floor.There was no way I would take him wih me in there."Well let's see if you're stronger than the three of us together"I said.Krane turned to see me."Ok then"he said and used his super-speed to come closer to me.Luckily Bree used her own super-speed to shove him to the wall."Leo take Douglas"I said and ran to Krane.I used my super-strength to punch him on the stomach. Krane let out a cry but then he used his molecular kineses to shove me to the opposite wall.I stood up but Krane came to me and he was about to throw me an energy ball.I closed my eyes waiting for the energy ball to hit me but it never came.I opened my eyes and I saw Krane lying on the floor."Adam are you ok ?"Leo asked.I suppose he was the one who saved me."Yeah thanks Leo.What happened to Douglas ?"I asked.Leo smiled and pointed to an unconscious Douglas lying on the floor.

"Guys are you ok ?"Bree asked as she came to us."Yes thanks to Leo we are"I answered.We were about to leave when a blast wave hit us and we all fell to the ground.Unfortunately when the blast hit us it made the Agearator fall from Bree's hand to the floor. Krane who was now heading towards us ignored it."I wish you said your goodbyes.Because this is your end"he said ready to throw an energy ball on us.

"Thwow it and I'll tuwn you to a baby"a high voice said.We all turned to see who was talking and we saw Chase with the Agearator in his hands pointing it at Krane."You little rat"Krane said as the energy ball disappeared from his hands."You won't do it"another voice said.We turned to see who was talking this time and we saw a now conscious Douglas."Why not ?"Chase asked."Because the Agearator works only one time.If you turn Krane to a baby then you won't be able to become 15 years old again"he said.Krane smiled."You have to choose...Chasey.Do you want your family to die or stay 3 forever ?"he asked."Chase don't do it"Bree said."You need the Agearator to become 15 again.Let Krane hit us and run out of here.Go find Mr. Davenport.He will help you".She was right.Mr. Davenport would help Chase.I could see tears falling from his eyes."So Chase.What's your choice ?"Krane asked.

Chase closed his eyes."I don't want to stay thwee fowevew"he said.Krane started making another energy ball.Chase opened his eyes."But I will if dat means my famiwy will be safe"he said and before anyone could react Chase hit Krane with the Agearator.A light got out and when we turned to look at Krane we saw a baby I thing younger than Chase.We all stood still with wide eyes.Chase sacrificed his only chance to become 15 again to save us.

So this is it.I'm sorry I haven't updated on Sunday.I tried to write it on Monday instead but I couldn't. Anyway what do you think will happen now that the Agearator doesn't work anymore ? Find out in the next chapter.BYE!!!

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